Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Project 52:30 | Forgiveness

I have had to say "sorry" to Eden a lot these past few weeks. She is wanting to test the boundaries a bit more, but mostly my patience is running thin. I love my girl so much and it pains me when I let her down. 

Lately, I have felt like my mom duties were lacking. Curious George was played one too many times, I didn't take the time to read to her in the day, craft activities are pretty few and far between...basically I have felt like I was just one big complete failure. Yes, I am being hard on myself, and yet, while I am being honest, I know I am not giving her the best of me. So, after a little pow-wow sesh with the hubs, we figured out that having a little more structure and routine to our day may help Eden and I both. I loved teaching back when that was my major. For some reason though,  I haven't wanted to do that with Eden. I wanted to be able to just enjoy the day as it came. While that probably works for the majority of people, it turns out that I am not the best person I can be without some sort of routine. I have great intentions, but then it's 9 p.m. and time to get Eden ready for bed and I have realized that the moments where I was truly engaged with her are pretty hard to remember. 

Now I am having a hard time planning my schedule. There are so many things that I want to get done in a day. How do I get in a workout, quiet time with the Lord, shower, clean, do laundry, make 3 meals a day for the family, spend time with the husband I rarely see, and get good quality time with my daughter? I realize that I may be trying to fit too much into a day, and yet all these things are important. I didn't even include some "me" time in there...but mostly because I realize I am seeing to need too much "me" time so I am trying to work on that selfish attitude I have lurking inside. 

As you can see I am needing a bit of a release from all of this. If any of you have tips and tricks on how to fit everything in and not go crazy, please let me know! For now, it looks like Tot School is about to begin in this house...

**Sorry this is so late, we got to take a little trip up to Seattle over the weekend and I chose to stay away from the internet so my family could be my priority. It was a little tough, but I did it!

For more Project 52 goodness, check out these fine blogs:

Let me know if you want to join in on the fun! It's never too late to start your Project 52 :) 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Project 52:29 | Comfort

Is that not the sweetest thing ever? I love that Eden is at an age where she knows her friends names and can play with them. She worries about them when they are sad, she follows what they do. I pray that she is blessed with friendships that lift her up. 

I am thankful for the many friendships I have had over the years. Each one has meant something different to me. Some ended over time. Some ended up not really being much of a friend. And yet some are still around. They lift me up when I am down, they encourage me, they laugh with me. I treasure you, my friends. Thank you. 

Time to head to the rehearsal of one of my good friends weddings. One who has been there for me when I wasn't much of a friend to her. One who keeps me from being too serious. Someone who pushed me to understand God's unconditional love. Pictures to come of her beautiful day I am sure!

For more Project 52 goodness, check out these fine blogs:

Let me know if you want to join in on the fun! It's never too late to start your Project 52 :) 

It's A Zoo Out There!

We took a random trip to the zoo one day. It was the best decision we have ever made. At the Oregon Zoo admission is $4 on the second Tuesday of the month and we couldn't turn that down. We had an inkling that Eden would enjoy the zoo more than when she was younger (she loved it, but she was MUCH younger), but we had no idea that she would absolutely LOVE it. It was such a fun day...despite the fact that it ended up being cloudy and cold for a good portion of the morning, but it turned out great. Turns out Eden's favorite animals are farm animals. Yep, we could probably just go to a farm and Eden wouldn't know any different. Other animals she gravitated towards? Monkeys, birds, and the alligator. Such a funny girl she is. 

Sidenote...Eden's dress is from Africa and every time I look at it my heart starts to burst thinking about the children over there. It's funny how God brings little moments into over lives that just impact us so much. We still feel so confident that we are called to adopt and I believe our children will be with us soon. We made one *EXCITING* step towards adoption that I'll have to fill you in on later! I can't wait to see where God takes our family over the next few years...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Project 52:28 | Strength

Isn't God's creation amazing? During a recent trip to the zoo, we got to experience His creation in another way. We don't see bears, tigers, and elephants on a daily basis, so it is such a great moment when you can observe the animals, see the muscles ripple under their skin. I sat there watching thinking about how even though it feels like we are almost able to reach out and touch them, there is a very heavy layer of protection between us and the animals. These animals are strong. I thought about how most times I feel weak. I feel like I do not have what it takes to conquer another roller coaster in my life. And yet, God always lifts me up. He is able to show His power in our weakness. Every time I think I cannot take one more step, He is there. I am so thankful for that kind of protection, that kind of comfort, that kind of love. 

For more Project 52 goodness, check out these fine blogs:

Let me know if you want to join in on the fun! It's never too late to start your Project 52 :) 

All About Pink Baby Shower

My friend Charissa and I threw a baby shower for our longtime friend, Alicia, who is due to have her first baby (a girl!) at the end of this month! It was so much fun doing this for her. You'll see that we tried to cater to Alicia's belief in "simplicity" and her love for all things pink when it comes to little girls. We also threw in all of the foods she has been loving these days. You'll notice we did headbands for the "creative activity." I seriously felt like a crafts leader. I should not ever be in that role...I am not well suited for serious crating. Thanks to all you ladies for humoring me though! 




Have I mentioned that there is a baby explosion right now? Honestly I have helped out with 4 baby showers in the last 2 months and have been to even more. The babies are taking over. I can't say that I mind..I LOVE babies. So, thanks to all of my friends for having lots of them. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fun Filled Fourth

Once again we had a fun and relaxing day celebrating America's independence. While Josh worked, Eden and I met up with Kirsten and Beckett for a little Wednesday Market action (a smaller version of our Saturday farmers market). I took some photos of those goodies that I will post once I edit them. After a nap we did a quick photo shoot and then it was off to celebrate with friends. We set off a few smaller fireworks and then enjoyed all the illegal shows around us. Yeah, we are rebels like that. Oh and I realized that my dream for wherever we settle down and have our future farmhouse is that it must have cute little small town parades. I never realized how important this was to me until this year. It is going to happen. 

On this next one Eden said, "SEE?! PITS!" She is so Josh's child.


The girls (minus Cayden who I think was sleeping while the girls made a giant mess of water)

Ignore the quality...but seriously this girl LOVED the fireworks. I think a real show is in order next year.

I hope all of you who lives in the States enjoyed your 4th!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Project 52:27 | inDEPENDENCE

What if we were to always be dependent upon God? What would it feel like to let go of that constant desire to be independent in all aspects of our lives, and embrace the fact that we can have a complete dependence on our Father. Choosing to love His constant presence and embracing it. Our very nature pushes us to be strong, in control, and not reliant on anyone, but God didn't design for His relationship with His children to be that way. When we are in full dependence on Him, that is when His blessings show through. 

As our family has gone through a lot of trials within this past year one thing I have become more aware of is my complete need for God. I accepted Christ into my heart at four years old. I have loved Him every day since. However, it wasn't until recently where I began to actually let Him in. I would say, "I believe," BUT I refused to be reliant on anyone. My relationship with Him could not grow the way it was intended. He desires for us to need Him. Friends, I encourage you today...pray to let go of control...let God in! You will feel more free than you ever have before. 

And a side note...is this not the most precious photo ever?! The love those two have for each other melts my heart into a puddle every day. I am so thankful for the connection those two have. 

*I'm dealing with a very stubborn computer right now so :fingers crossed: I'll have some photos of our 4th to show you. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Beckett's Carnival First Birthday Party

I am finally getting around to posting Beckett's first birthday party photos! A whole month late. YAY! Okay, seriously though you all needed to see these photos. Kirsten did a fabulous job putting together an amazing carnival themed party. 

Remember the invitation I raved over?

Well, here are the photos to prove how great of a job she did on the party itself.



The twin is amazing right?! It was such a fun and well done party. Kirsten, you amaze me.