Thursday, August 26, 2010

35 Weeks

34 Weeks

As usual I am late in posting my pregnancy update. I am actually 36 weeks as of today (meaning I am NINE months!!). Next week I will start weekly doctor appointments. I can't believe how fast 9 months has gone. Seriously, what happened to everyone saying pregnancy goes so slow and that I would be anxious to get it over with? Honestly, I am still really enjoying pregnancy. This fact still surprises me. I did finally get to a point this week where I felt a little more ready to be done. I have had severe upper back pain for the past month which is making work a bit more unbearable. Thankfully I work with a great crew of people who help me through each day...and let me run to the potty every hour...and don't get mad at me for heating up my rice heating pad in the microwave all day long...and...well you get the idea. Glad they haven't kicked me out yet! 

The last appointment went just fine and just the same as every week. I had actually been to the doctor the week prior for a blood pressure scare, but all is well! Nothing really to report which is fine with me.

This last week has brought about a lot more braxton hicks contractions and they are getting more intense with each passing day. I hope this means that my body is getting ready for an early delivery. Hey, a girl can dream. 

I came up with a few "you know you are pregnant whens..." and I feel that I should share them.

You know you are pregnant when:
You can happily say you have mastered peeing in a cup
You have visited every potty in a 20 mile radius
You celebrate when the doctor tells you that you are gaining weight
You start walking somewhere and forget where you are going

Oh don't worry I have plenty more. I come up with them all the time. 

Well, thanks for actually reading my nonsense. Like I said, not much to report, but I am a-okay with that. I can't wait to post pictures of Eden's room...Josh and I are so happy with how it turned out! I promise the pictures are coming...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Baby Shower #1

This post has been a long time coming. My first baby shower was July 17. Yes, as in a month ago. I am so disappointed in my blogging lately and I really hope I get back into the groove before little miss Eden makes her debut. Let me tell you, I think it is worth the wait because...well, I will let you make that judgment call after seeing the photos.

My wonderful friend Ruby is the one who planned the event in its entirety. All she asked was for a little inspiration (she knows me so well that she knew I would already have something in mind). What was my inspiration? Lemonade. The fact that the baby shower was being held in July instantly made me think of an outdoor BBQ or picnic complete with glass bottles full of lemonade. Well, she took that inspiration and ran with it. Honestly, I was stunned. Here are a few photos full of eye candy...

The Hostess (and me too of course)

 Oh yeah, I know, she is gorgeous. That and she makes me look like a giant whale. Thanks Ruby, thanks a lot. This reminds me why I should not have beautiful friends...they make me look bad and I cannot be having that. Okay fine, I'll get over it. Seriously though, my friends really are fabulous.

The Decor
The decor was put together with items that I could use later. I loved this concept! Absolutely nothing went to waste. Ruby purchased items right off of our registries in order to ensure that we could put each item to use. There were some amazing paper flowers that she put together which you will see making another appearance in Eden's room. It was so fun to be able to see each item be put to use again and not feel like a bunch of decor went to waste. I love this girls thinking!

The Food

These pictures make me hungry. Honestly, the food was a super important aspect of the shower as Ruby created a menu full of food that I could eat. Let me tell you, that can be a very difficult feat. With all of my food allergies it is near impossible to find that many foods that I can have. The absolute only thing I couldn't eat was one of the sandwiches which she lovingly provided for a friend who can have dairy, but not wheat. To make it even more special she put a list of ingredients for each item on the back of a little card. Fabulous right? 

The Gifts

If you haven't noticed by these pictures, we are very spoiled. I brought out all the gifts to show Josh when I returned home as you can see in the photo above. The crazy thing is, that isn't even everything that we received! Some of them were too large to fit in the photo. Oh also, a little tidbit about me. I don't mind being the center of attention, but when it comes to opening gifts I am more awkward than a squirming fish out of water. Thank you to my dear friend Charissa for making me look half normal in a photo, and for being the official photographer for a good majority of the shower. 

So as you can see baby shower #1 was amazing. I still look back on it and smile. I had so many great friends and family show up. Thank you to everyone who came!

*Sidenote 1- The invitation for this shower was just as stunning. Unfortunately due to technical difficulties I am going to have to post it at another time.

**Sidenote 2 - I have a pregnancy update post and....drum roll please...the nursery reveal post coming soon! Also, you will be seeing baby shower #2 in a future post. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

33 Weeks

 32 Weeks

When this week hit I started getting anxious. My to-do list (which seems to grow daily) is looming over my head, but not much seems to be getting checked off. However, I am pretty sure I am going into full crazed mommy mode because linen closets are getting organized, baby album is getting put together, clothes are getting organized, kitchen cabinets are getting rearranged, every item that is made of fabric or is even somewhat washable has now seen the inside of the washer....yep, there is a baby on the way for sure! Oh and I am going to admit that I have even packed most of the hospital bag. Yes, I realize that most likely I will have plenty of time to pack while I am in the first stage of labor, but why not have it ready now so I can just focus on getting through the pain? What can I say, I just prefer to be over prepared.

Our doctor's appointment went quite well today. For our appointments we see our doctor on a rotating basis (she shares her appointments with a nurse practitioner). We LOVE our doctor and love the weeks that we get to see her. Thankfully today was a doctor day so we were thrilled. Anyway I got a "perfect" for weight gain (even though I must admit that I gained FOUR pounds in two weeks...better cut back on the junk food). Eden's little heart was beating away just as strong as ever which makes us feel so great every time. I am still measuring behind, but our doctor put our minds at rest and said she is 100% confident that all is well and is happy with it. I am definitely getting contractions whenever I am walking or on my feet for too long, but thankfully they are just practice for the real thing.

One amazing feat that we accomplished last week was passing our childbirth classes! Yes, our instructor actually thinks we will be good parents. Scary I know. I would have pictures except they asked that pictures not be taken so just visualize Josh and I with our cap and gown holding a perfectly swaddled fake baby. Four weeks of classes which were three hours long was quite daunting, but definitely worth the few rear end aches that we received from all the sitting.

Well, time to wrap up another week. We are getting closer and closer to the date where she is safe to come (and we are so okay with her coming before the 40 week mark...hear that little girl?!).