Monday, September 6, 2010

Maternity Photo Shoot

We just got our maternity photos back from the photo shoot we did last week and can I say that I am IN LOVE with them. The lovely Charissa Bernard took them for us using my Canon Rebel XTI and a 50 mm lens. We didn't have much in terms of expectations, we just wanted something to document the pregnancy, but wow she had some fabulous shots!

This photo was my brilliant (aka not so brilliant) idea. I was inspired after watching the ending of Notting Hill where Julia Roberts is pregnant and laying on that super sweet bench with Hugh Grant...just darling. Anyway, in case you were wondering, laying on your back (something I haven't done since finding out I was pregnant) on a concrete bench with my feet in a bush...well basically I was wincing in pain. Poor Charissa had to try to muster a shot where I wasn't cringing. Yes, she is that good that she even got me smiling through the pain...good practice for labor!

Yes people, my husband can climb walls. Oh and if you haven't figured out, we are crazy.

If you don't know that I am a lover of all things Disney than you don't know me at all. Eden needs her first pair of ears before she is closed. Oh and she will be wearing these on her first trip which will hopefully be next summer or fall for her birthday.

Didn't Charissa do a fantastic job? We were so very happy with the results. I love having these as a little memory for years and years to come. I thought I might regret taking the photos in my 9th month of pregnancy, but besides me waddling like a whale, I think it is kind of fun to have the last stage documented. If you are pregnant, I highly recommend getting at least a couple of is well worth it!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great! You look amazing! I can't believe how close you are!
