I cannot believe our teeny tiny baby is almost 1 month old! I do not like that time moves that fast...although thinking back to the hospital stay it feels like its been forever. Josh and I are taking a photo of Eden every month for the first 12 months of her life. I think it will be so fun to watch how she grows. This one was taken at 1 week old. Already she looks so much different at 3 weeks old. I also want to document what she has been up to in that month.
- You love to squeak and squeal, especially when you are sleepy.
- You LOVE bath time.
- You would sleep through the night if we could let you (we just got the okay to only wake her up once during the night, hooray!)
- You can sleep through ANYTHING (your sister barking, the vacuum, doors slamming...etc.)
- We call you the man child because, well, you sound like a man when you do "number two"
- You love your doggie sister and she loves you (as documented by MANY pictures of her kissing you)
- You don't cry much, just when mommy takes too long to feed you
- You have the cutest cry in the whole entire world and sometimes we want you to cry so we can hear it
- We shout out "POWER FIST" because you like to pump your fist into the air all the time
- Your nickname is "Frogger" because you bend your legs like a frog
- You are already a daddy's girl
- You have slept in your crib since day one and you seem to love it
- We started you on binkies, and sometimes you love it and sometimes you throw it at mommy
2 Week Stats
Weight: 5 lbs. 13 oz (FINALLY back to birth weight) --5th percentile
Length: 19 1/4" --15th percentile
Head Circumference: 34 centimeters --10th percentile
Basically you are a small fry.
Here are a few pictures documenting what we have done over the last few weeks (for the first two I was on bed rest).
Sleeping in her bouncer
"Mom, stop taking my picture!"
First bath
Well, that's all I can do for now, I have to go get the little one. I still don't know how moms have time to blog. I am so busy feeding and changing diapers and then rushing to try to eat and hit the potty that I really never can get to the computer. Thankfully I found a spare moment. I promise I am still planning to write about her birth story...which honestly was not bad at all so sorry that I scared some of you :)
Oh..she is the sweetest lil thang!! And so tiny!! Makes me a lil sad my babies grew out of the baby stage so fast! Glad she is doing so well! Especially with her sister! :)