It's been awhile. Get ready for a picture heavy post. Yep, just going to go ahead and shove a bunch of days into one big, giant blog post because that's about all I have time for. I have so many more posts that I need to write, but I keep reminding myself that Eden is only a baby once in her life and sometimes she is more important. So, here is a little bit of what we have been up to this past week. Oh and I keep writing and re-writing a bit of a confessional post because I think it's time for you all to know whats going on over at the Crain household. Things have been a bit...insane lately and I feel like I can't sit here and blog unless I am being completely honest with my readers. So, be expecting that sometime soon as I can sort out my thoughts and feelings and write them down legibly.
I know I have mentioned that my baby moves a lot, but seriously...she never stops! She even sleeps in the crawling position. Thankfully she has started to learn to love cheerios so I can get her to sit in her highchair for a short amount of time while she happily eats away on them. This is usually the time that I get in a super fast shower. Thanks to my Facebook friends I had some great suggestions on how to get a shower with a very mobile 8 month far bringing the highchair into the bathroom and putting cheerios and toys on the tray has worked wonders. I'll do anything for a shower each day.
f/2.2, ISO 800, 1/80 Into Bella's food & water for the 5,201,365th time... |
Friday we got the chance to babysit our friends 2 month old baby, Owen...Eden sat and watched him during his entire nap.
f/2.2, ISO 800, 1/125 |
On Sunday my dad organized a surprise birthday dinner for my mom at
Marco Polo (for you locals...great food, but a little pricey for my taste, granted I am el cheapo). I wanted to snap a picture of Eden all dressed up and ready to go, but hadn't realized just how difficult that task would be without Josh's help. That girl kept trying to dive off the bed (note to self: no more pictures of Eden in locations where she can fall rather far). I finally got a couple that captured her personality perfectly.
f/2.2, ISO 800, 1/80 |
f/2.2, ISO 800, 1/80 Thumbs up dude! |
And then she crawled away.
f/1.8, ISO 400, 1/100 |
My sister and her husband were in town visiting and our families all went hiking at Silver Creek Falls. The weather wasn't amazing, but it wasn't raining and around here that calls for a celebration.
f/5.0, ISO 400, 1/1000 |
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/500 |
I was in love with this moss that looked like it was dripping off of the trees.
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/800 |
We saw lots of bugs including a big, scary ant hill (I now realize that the large amount of ants that invaded our house really aren't that big of a deal) and a cute little centipede.
Hope you weren't eating when viewing this....gag. |
f/1.8, ISO 800, 1/3200 |
Josh, Eden, and I ditched the hike a few hours earlier than the rest of the crew (babies have needs you know) and on our way back to the parking lot we saw the cutest little boy that was lost. Thankfully we found his family, but not until we had gone quite a ways looking for them. That is one big place when you are trying to find people you don't know. The family hadn't even realized he was gone (it had been quite a long time). It made us realize that not everyone takes parenting seriously and it broke our hearts. I know we are bound to make many mistakes, but I pray we never are too consumed with other things that we forget about Eden.
f/5.6, ISO 800, 1/320 |
That same day we also celebrated
Alicia's birthday with a BBQ at her parents house. Oh and a quick thank you to Charissa for taking photos!
The birthday girl snuggling with Miss Kylie |
Let me give you a quick background. I have been friends with this particular group since sixth grade (well, technically one of them I met when I first moved to Oregon in third grade...hello Cindra!). We have done so much together, shared so many secrets, been a part of each other's weddings, celebrated babies...honestly this group has meant so much to me growing up, and still do. Sadly, we don't see each other as often as we once did now that we are supposedly grown ups and have busy lives, but when we do it is always fun and never feels like we have been apart. Hopefully I can sneak a photo of all of us at Samantha's upcoming wedding and you know I'll be sharing it here (Alicia, I'll have to photoshop you in)!
Kari and Kyle joined our group in college. They have the most beautiful girls, Isla and Kylie (you've seen them here before).
All the baby girls together.
Please ignore my creepy eyes, this was the best photo of everyone else...hey I don't always have to look perfect ;) Also, somehow I have always ended up being the odd girl out, guess I should have grabbed Josh for this one. |
Things have been NONSTOP around our house lately. We have been gone every night of the week and every weekend...and looking at our calender we really won't be stopping anytime soon.
Oh and want some fun news? Today is my mom's actual birthday...AND two of my friends are in the very same hospital having their babies right now. I get emotional every time one of my friends goes into labor. Honestly, I never used to be like this. I can't wait to meet their precious kidlets.
Happy birthday Mom/Lola!
Alright, time to hurry off before the littlest Crain awakes.