Friday, September 30, 2011

No Room At The Inn

Can I be honest with you all (whoever you may be) about something? When we bought our house and I saw that it was mini-sized it kind of made me happy. Yes, we really strive to live within our means and I was all for the challenge of living in 834 sq. ft. (that is livable space...don't mind the fact that we are all but taking up every inch of the 834 sq. ft. in the unfinished basement!), but that wasn't what was causing me joy. Okay, get ready, this is going to sound harsh, but I promise to try to make sense of it so bear (or bare?) with me. I was happy because it meant we had an excuse not to entertain. Whoa. I just admitted that I was happy I couldn't have people over and throw parties. The thing is I am terrified of hosting. I LOVE planning parties (um hello Eden's ridiculous first birthday party), but the idea of being the host frightens me. The whole time we have people over I am stressing about if I am doing things right, if they like the food, if I am boring them, if the house I smell okay (what?), and a million other things. Instead of just enjoying the fact that our friends (or family) are spending time with us, I just stress. So, my newest challenge is to be an entertainer and ENJOY IT. Every ounce of it. No more stressing (yes, Brittany...this may be why it has taken me FOREVER to have you over!). With that in mind I have been dreaming of our future home, the one that will be able to house more than 3 people and a dog comfortably.

My future house will have a large open kitchen. I don't mean the actual prep area has to be huge or anything because really anything bigger than mine will seem spacious. What I am looking for is a kitchen that has room to move and places to sit and eat. Kitchens are the hub of the home and currently I turn into a raving lunatic if a certain husband, child, or dog feel the need to share the space with me while I am cooking. I WANT them there, but the fact that I have to trip over them in order to move two inches to grab a spatula just drives me bananas. So, an open and inviting kitchen has been added to the list.

Source: via Mallory on Pinterest
Another must have for my new entertaining lifestyle is a large and open living area. Are you sensing a trend here? I would love a space that has plenty of room to host a slew of friends and family while still feeling warm and inviting. Currently we own one small sofa, a slipper chair, and a desk chair...with a few ottomans scattered between. This usually means if we have more than a couple of people over, many are sitting on the floor. That's not horrible, but its not ideal. I would like my guests to feel comfortable after all. 

One last thing. A bathroom. Or, more importantly an extra bathroom. We have ONE bathroom in this whole entire house. You would think that would be enough for two adults and a baby, but it is not. AND THEN you add visitors and it is just pure chaos. Someone is always in there when you need to go..well, you know. Oh and the shower? Good luck. 

So, while I am perfectly happy in my home right now and have no intention of buying a bigger home anywhere in the near future (what?! I still need some more time to adjust to the idea of being this fantastic entertainer) I will still dream of our future house and continue to gather inspiration. Dreaming is always a good thing.

What would be in your dream house, or even your next house? Is anyone else dying over that gorgeous living room?! I wish I were that kid so I could run in there too. Also, any of you smarties out there know how to get the source to be centered under the photo or a better way to embed photos from Pinterest? I am goings all sorts of crazy trying to fix it.

Hope you all have a fun filled weekend...and if you live in the PNW (Pacific Northwest for those not in the know) don't get too wet!

(If you are wanting the challenge of improving your entertaining skills spend some time here)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pretty People

In an effort to upgrade my "cool" factor...I felt the need to brag about my friends. They are beyond cool. Too cool for school y'all. Hmm...apparently when I bring out the cheesy lines I also decide I have a Southern drawl.

Anyway, today on Style Me Pretty...yes, THEE blog for all things wedding...a wedding was featured. I know, I am hitting you with the obvious right now. However, the wedding wasn't just any wedding, it was of a beautiful girl that I went to high school and college with. Not only that, but her wedding was photographed by another friend that I went to high school with. Oh and want to get hit by some serious crazy? The photographer that I just mentioned, I just told you about how his wedding was featured on the very same blog. Yeah, pretty people flock together (is that how the saying goes?). Now, I know you are all thinking that if that saying is true than HOWINTHEWORLD did I become friends with them? Would you believe its my amazing personality that draws the pretty people in? No? Oh. Well then I am at a loss. Anyway, please go look at this absolutey stunning bride, handsome husband, FUH-REAKING FABULOUS wedding, and the most amazing wedding photos to date.

Wait, want to hear a sad story? No? Well, its coming anyway. Erich, the photographer, had offered to shoot our wedding all those 4.5 years ago. Can I just say I have kicked myself in the rear end only 1,003 times for not saying yes back then? I mean, we didn't formally discuss it or was just an offer, but SERIOUSLY? Erich, can we please have a redo? I want to have another wedding anyway so I am all for it. Just don't tell Josh until the day of mmmmkay?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Heart Faces | People's Choice

This is the photo that we used for Eden's first birthday invitations (which I promise to share with you soon!). It captures her so well. It's the moment I felt that we no longer had a baby, but a very independent and loving toddler. We had longed for a baby and when the timing was right she joined our little family and has brought so much joy, laughter, and all out fun into our lives (because one can never have enough fun).

Friday, September 23, 2011

2 Years

                                                                    Source: via Karen on Pinterest

Two years ago (well technically two years and two days) I started this blog. I can't believe it's already been that long! Our blog is like a friend to lets me rant for hours and never talks back. Should I admit that I think of my blog as a friend? Umm probably not. Whoops. Okay, but in all seriousness I really, truly love blogging. I wish I could spend more time on here, but alas at this point in my life I'm far too consumed by family and our business to spend countless hours on here. Maybe one day I'll be devoted to posting each day, but that probably wouldn't happen unless I had more than two people who read this thing, ha!

When we decided we wanted to start this blog back in September 2009 we were just living in an apartment daydreaming of the day that we would own a home and fill it full of children. We had no idea that just two short months later we would be putting an offer on a house, getting pregnant a month after, and moving into our brand new very old house the following February. 

We have had so many changes in these past couple of years and I can't wait to see what changes will occur over the next two years! 

One change that I have been contemplating for awhile...and I even wrote about it in our goals for this changing up the blog. As in, name change and everything. I have the name and in fact even have the blog started. I just for some reason can't get myself to pull the trigger. I have commitment issues, for real. So, fingers crossed, I will get over it and just do it already. I should have just handled it like I handled marriage...I met the man, got engaged right away, got married just a short while later, and it was a done deal. No time to back out :)

We are also contemplating a big life change right now. No further details right now...just letting you know that things might get all crazy up in here.

Anyway, happy 2nd birthday blog! Maybe next year I'll throw you a big party...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

12 Months

Here we are, the last one of these monthly posts. Now admittedly I doubt I can stop posting these, but it will most certainly be a bit different of a format. We won't have all of the pediatrician appointments and such for measurements, but I am sure I can't resist documenting my little lady. Yep, my "baby" is now a big, semi-independent toddler. Well, she thinks she is fully independent some days, but I beg to differ. This last month whizzed right by as we prepared for her big first birthday party (don't worry, I am planning some big posts for that one!). I definitely would stop and snuggle her a lot just so I could be sure to cherish every last bit of her babyhood. Honestly, having a baby was so much fun...and yet, here I am LOVING having a toddler. Yes, she sure does have quite the personality...which can be good, but a lot of times means we are having to use the word, "no" a lot more than we would like. This girl is not docile. Not even a little bit. She is curious and loves to get into anything she is not supposed to. If things don't go her way she will scream. My ears hurt after these episodes. Obviously we are going to have a lot of work ahead of us to ensure she becomes a well-behaved young lady! We love every minute of it though, even when it means chasing her down because she got a hold of the toilet brush yet again (gag!). 

12 Month Stats
Length: 28 inches ~ 25th percentile
Weight: 17.6 lbs. ~ 5th percentile
Head: 44.5 cm. ~ 50th percentile

(Update: Shoe size: 3...that's for you, Danae!)

Eden Rae, here is what you have been up to lately:

You started walking! (September 7) 
You clearly say dog, mama, dada, pig (well, according to daddy)..and probably more that we haven't deciphered
You know to get our phones to play the peek-a-boo barn app and to get the remotes to watch Blue's Clue's
You have started bringing us books to read and like to listen to them over and over
You are down to just one 2 hour nap a day
You like to curl up in Bella's bed (usually with Bella) when you are sleepy
You have discovered your love for grapes this past week and love orange juice

You play tug-of-war with Bella ALL.THE.TIME
You apparently don't care for cake and frosting (fine by me!)
You moved to the WALKER nursery at church this past month!
You are extremely active so you are really enjoying your riding toys and ride them all over the house
You know how to sign "all done"
You are STILL toothless (shopping for dentures this month...I kid, I kid!)

Zero Months

My girl, you are so much fun! Daddy and I love you so very much and this past year has been the greatest of our entire lives. We never want you to forget how much we love you and enjoy you. You make each day a party. You still love everyone and are starting to make little baby friends which we love. I love that you follow me around while I clean the house, but can play all by yourself as well. We thank God for the blessing you have been in our lives each day! Never forget it bear!

Your first birthday party photo shoot
Riding a "horse" at the zoo

Honoring those that have served our country (September 11, 2011)

I'll be back with all of the party details and of course PHOTOS as soon as I gather them all from everyone that took pictures during the party (yeah...I never took one of Eden the entire time! Bad mom!). 

Now off to play with my TODDLER...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Eden Rae!

At this very moment one year ago our lives changed and honestly we could never have imagined just how good we would have it. Honestly it doesn't seem like a whole year has passed since the doctor placed the tiniest little girl with an itty bitty button nose in my arms. Despite the events that happened after she was born, I still think about that moment with a big smile on my face. Today we will have had a big over the top party to celebrate not only our little girl, but to celebrate the fact that Eden has survived a whole year with us as parents. Today I will write her a letter letting her know just how special she is to me. How my love for her will never change. How she has made me the best version of myself. Amazing how someone so small can effect your life in such a big way. 

I'll definitely be going back to read Part I and Part II of my birth story just to make sure I remember every single moment of that day. 

I have so many words I would like to say, but part of me just wants to leave it at this. Simple. To the point. 

Eden Rae, you have made me realize that being a mom is the best job I have ever had. I may not always be perfect at it, but you love me anyway. I love being your mom and I can't wait for all of the years to come. You are already growing up to be such a fun and loving child and I look forward to watching you grow.

Happy birthday.

*Thank you to Pinterest for inspiring Eden's birthday photo...gotta give credit where it's due folks.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's a Cruel Summer

Well, summer finally hit here in the Pacific Northwest...I would say that it is no longer "fashionably late" but RUDELY and RIDICULOUSLY late. I mean Starbucks brought out their Pumpkin Spice Lattes...shouldn't that mean we have already been hit by so much heat that we are excited for fall? Yeah, I am definitely not there yet.

I have been so nonexistent on my blog and it really bothers me. I would love to write posts each day and honestly I always have a blog post brewing in my little head, but I just haven't figured out how to fit blogging into my day yet. Thankfully, after an entire year, I finally feel like Eden and I have a pretty decent routine going on in this house...and that happened just as she decided to start WALKING. So, now all routines are out the window and it is time to figure out some new ways to get stuff done. The hardest task is definitely using my steam mop. I can't get the girl to stop following me as I am using it. And doing it during her naptime? No way. I have quickly learned that having a small, old house means finding one spot to sit in during naptime and never moving. Well, I exaggerate. Thankfully Eden sleeps through a whole lot, but still...naptime is sacred and I don't want to take any chances. 

Have I mentioned that this post is going to be a bit more random thank usual? You thought that wasn't possible right? Well, think again. I have lots of wackiness going on in this head of mine and I need to share it. Speaking of which...weaning. I am so ready to wean Eden off of nursing its not even funny. I've loved doing it for this entire year and have most certainly surprised myself with sticking to it the entire time. However, this girl has ADD when it comes to nursing...and despite the fact that she has no teeth she still finds a way to bite down, HARD. I guess for some reason I had this notion that weaning would be super simple. She turns one and we are done. However, I am realizing it actually is rather complicated. Add to that the fact that she can't have cows milk and I am downright baffled at what I am supposed to do. She has her one year appointment on the 20th so I know we will learn more, but I feel like I should already be starting the process. I honestly have no idea how to cut down on feedings. UGH. Why is parenting so complicated?!

Lets move away from parenting and talk about another complicated, but enjoyable subject...LOVE AND MARRIAGE. One of my dearest friends got engaged this past weekend and I am simply elated! I remember when we were younger (we have been friends since 8th grade) talking about boys and our futures and such. It's just so crazy to see where we are 14 years later (WHOA..I am getting old). The fun thing is she was in my wedding when Josh and I tied the knot four years ago and it just makes it even more sentimental. Pour on a little more cheeeeeeze please. Anyway, congratulations to Marcus + Brianne!

Speaking of weddings, a couple that I know just had their AMAZING wedding featured on Style Me Pretty. Excuse me, WHAT?! Yes, their wedding was that fantastic that it is featured on the super huge wedding blog. Go check it out, its amazing and will blow your mind. 

I started this post planning to show you photos of our trip to the beach that happened over a month and a half ago. I am so behind. Obviously I have already overwhelmed you all with words so I will do my best to only show you photos of the trip. No promises, I really like talking. 

Eating at Mo's...classic Josh face.

Touching sand for the first time

Sandy "tookies"

I love this photo...I have no idea what is so funny but I always want to remember this moment, the moment I realized that being a mother brings out pure joy in me.

This photo makes the water look gross...I should probably fix that, but I won't. 

I am using the new version of blogger and I feel like my photos look a little...yucky (for lack of a more technical term). I do like how "clean" the new layout is if that means anything.

Well, thanks for sitting through my rantings and overall wackiness. With all of the sickness that went through all three of us and me being completely overwhelmed by party planning I just don't have time to sit down and write, even though its my favorite thing to do (besides pinning of course...haha). Now back to playing with my walking BABY girl (only 9 more days of saying that). 

Have a great Thursday!