Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Forgotten Trip + Photo Overload = Seattle.

Eden and I took a trip to Seattle with my parents. She was 10 months old. Whoops. I had been editing the 50,001,212 photos I took on the trip and got bored with it and then just never posted anything about it. So lame. This was the very first time I went on a trip as a "single" mom. In fact, it was also Eden's first time staying in a hotel (which was interesting). My thoughts on staying in a hotel with a big deal if you are lucky enough to have one of those babies that actually goes to bed without SCREAMING. Not so great if you don't. It turned out that she wouldn't fall asleep unless she wore herself out by crawling around in my GIANT King sized bed. I had no problems with this at all, I am always looking for an excuse to snuggle my girl. Oh, and about the bed, it was heavenly. Full of pillows. Luxury I tell you. It was also nice because my parents were just down the hall so they could help me out as needed. It was needed. A lot.

So, what were we doing up in Seattle? Well, visiting my younger sister! Okay, technically she lived in Bellevue, but let's not get technical.

That's my baby sister, Brooke. Well, yeah she's not a baby anymore. She's all growed up.

We got to spend lots of time exploring with my sister. Well, as much as Eden and I could handle. Sometimes she and I would just lay around the room while I crossed my fingers for her to fall asleep. It was also vital in ensuring that she ate because this girl DID NOT eat in public. Yes, it was the longest year of my life, but it was worth it. Or at least I tell myself it was. 

This was the view from our room. Not too bad right? If you went down the hall to my parents you would see Mt. Rainier. It looked so close I wanted to reach out and touch it.

We got to go visit this very old and gorgeous building that had been converted into apartments. My sister was taking a tour as a potential place to live (she didn't end up moving there but it's fun to look at nonetheless). 

One of our stops during the day at this fun guitar shop in downtown Seattle. Guitars are cool.

That's Eden's future guitar. You know the one.

Oh, hello cute bookstore that belongs in an equally cute and cheesy romantic film. Well, if you erase the graffiti.

At one point we took a little trip to Kirkland. If you haven't been please go. I want to move there. They also have an amazing burger place. Not kidding. Plus they use local organic meat. That's a win in my book. Oh and if you really want to know I think it was called The Sip. Could be wrong.

This is not the burger place I just mentioned. Who can resist a restaurant called Olive You?

We had a random photo shoot on the water.

Oooh, sparkly duck.

Check out those sparkly pink TOM's. This is back when she needed assistance to walk, so weird.

The best part of the trip? Eden's first time in a pool! She is a water baby. SO not like her mom. She loved it.

Swimming made her very tired.

Other highlights included a pizza place that made me wish I could marry it. If you ask me the name I'll just say I don't know, because I really don't know. Same thing happened when I decided I wanted to marry Josh, I didn't know his name. Ask me about it sometime. We also enjoyed a whole lot of Starbucks. Oh and I got a delivery of a Top Pot donut. My favorite. We went to a really fun new church called Rain City Church. If you live nearby, check it out. Eden played in their nursery and loved it. Also, it was located in a movie theater. I craved popcorn through the whole service. We did a whole lot of other stuff, but that would require me to remember and that's not happening 3 whole months later.

All in all I will say I survived my first trip without Josh. Eden survived too. I actually didn't want to come home which surprised me. Obviously I missed Josh, but I just wished he could have come up and had fun with us. It was a great trip and sorry it took me an extremely long time to blog about it. Hopefully that's not the same fate for Eden's party...

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