Thursday, December 29, 2011

15 Months

So Eden is our her way to 16 months...and I am just now posting about 15 months. Whoops. Honestly I don't remember what she started doing this past month and what she is doing now, so I'll do my best to remember ALL the way back then. 

Things You Love

Brushing your teeth
Peanut butter sandwiches
Saying "Beeeeeeeeee!" 
Giving kisses
Playing with Bella

Things you don't love:

Having to wait for anything
Train rides
Eating food

Girl, you and your strong personality are just taking it up another level. We love your independence and your spunk, but it sure does come out when we are in public. You are VERY vocal and talk, sing, and scream no matter where you are. You are saying more and more words..the ones you say the most: cheese, crack-errrrs, Bella, dada, pink, yummmmmm. You also sign "all done," "please," and "thank you" (although thank you is not done correctly, but we'll take it anyway). Sometimes I worry that you don't use as many words as other kids because I am not so good at practicing words with you (I forget how smart you really are sometimes), but I know you are developing just fine. You are always surprising us with the things you understand. You are able to show us what you want. If we ask you where something goes you show us and promptly put whatever it is away. You may not be able to say many words, but you sure do understand what we are saying. One of these days I think your vocabulary is just going to explode. I can't wait until you start talking to me in the if only you were forward facing so I could see you. Oh and you are now up to SIX teeth which is a giant accomplishment seeing as you didn't get teeth until you were a year old. The only time we knew you were teething was with your first tooth, otherwise the only sign that points to teething is you are an even pickier eater. I love that you handle teething like a pro.

Eden, thank you for being the best daughter we could have ever asked for. Your independence just tells us that you are going to be a strong woman when you are grown. We pray that you will seek God in whatever you do. We are having so much fun talking about Jesus and praying with you every night. We also love how great of a helper you have become and can see that you will make a wonderful big sister if God blesses us with another child one day. Your daddy and I think you are the best thing that has ever happened to us and we are so thankful for yet another month with you. 

*I'm still working on getting over the fact that I am back to using my kit lens...but the photo taking has lessened immensely. Its so hard to get photos when its so gray outside. I guess this will just challenge me even more. I have got to get better at taking photos even when the lighting conditions aren't right, otherwise I'll miss out on some great opportunities! 

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