Friday, April 20, 2012

Project 52:16 | Independence

It seems that the moment that Eden turned 18 months she suddenly became quite independent. Obviously she still needs Josh and I, but she is in a "let me do it myself" phase (a phase that I think will last the rest of her life). Honestly, I have no problem with this. I love watching her learn and grow. She puts herself in her own carseat (no need to fret, we buckle her in!). Every time I open the dishwasher she is right next to be pulling out each dish for me to put away. She picks out and puts on her own shoes...usually 7 or more times a day. It just amazes me how she went from being a completely dependent newborn to a semi-independent toddler so quickly. I hope to continue to foster her independence while always showing her that I am right here if she needs me. 

So...this was my first Project 52 post without my beloved Picnik. There was a definite learning curve trying to figure out how to maneuver the new program I finally found to somewhat replace Picnik. After a whole lot of searching iPiccy ended up being the winner. While I actually prefer the look and feel of PicMonkey for editing, until they get the collage feature that they are promising, I am going to be using iPiccy. It had most of the same features of our dearly departed program, but had a lot less "extras". There were some features that, dare I say it, were better than Picnik. No matter what I am HORRIBLE when it comes to change and prefer to stick to my old ways thankyouverymuchgoogleforgettingridofmyfavoritefreeeditingsoftware. Good for you if you could actually read that. 

Anyway, I am off to get some beauty rest. I have a VERY early day tomorrow. One in which I have to be AWAKE, COHERENT, and HALF DECENT looking by 6 a.m. I honestly haven't seen that time much in a very long time. Well, not willingly anyway. Curious why I am getting up at such an indecent hour? MOPS leadership summit. I am actually pretty excited about it! MOPS was something I always dreamed about being a part of before I had Eden and I have really enjoyed getting to participate this year! Alright, for real, I'm getting some sleep. 

Oh wait..maybe I should mention...I have become completely obsessed with Instagram. I have had the app for quite awhile, but never really understood the social networking aspect. I just want to edit my photos in peace people! Then I started realizing that it's kind of fun and now I can't stop. My name is malmal3 if you want to find me. See you there. 

For more Project 52 goodness, check out these fine blogs:

Let me know if you want to join in on the fun! It's never too late to start your Project 52 :)

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