Friday, May 18, 2012

Project 52:20 | Motherhood

I cheated. While I had set up my camera's settings, Josh actually took this photo. I figured it was okay to cheat for this purpose.

During Mother's Day this year I reflected more on what it means to be a mom than I ever have. Here I am holding the daughter I so longed for, and yet there are so many out there that are still holding their arms out, empty and aching. 

One thing that hit me really hard was thinking to when we adopt in the future. I had always looked at it as US getting OUR baby. While yes, we will celebrate and love on that little one like you've never seen, but what about that child's birth mother? The one that went through 9 months of carrying that child. The one that labored for hours until the child made its grand appearance into the world. The one that had to make the hardest decision of her let go. I had never really thought about her. This all just broke my heart over the past few weeks. I know its OBVIOUS that the child had to have a birth mother and of course I knew that, but I just didn't think about how much that one woman will impact our whole family. Will she ache for the child she had to give up? Will she wonder what it is like for her child to be growing up in a new place with a new family? We never want to discount the fact that our child has a birth mother. We want to always pray for her and respect the questions our future child may have. With the love that I have for my daughter, I can only try to imagine just how painful Mother's Day must be for many women. Women who loved their babies and women who want to have babies to love. 

Mother's Day is a wonderful celebration and I am so thankful that we could celebrate all of the mom's out there, but I am starting to look at it with a new perspective. I see those of you that are hurting and I want you to know that you are loved and you are prayed for. 

For more Project 52 goodness, check out these fine blogs:

Let me know if you want to join in on the fun! It's never too late to start your Project 52 :)

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