I decided today that I would number my thoughts. This was to keep me from rambling. It didn't work.
1. I have kind of disappeared off the face of the planet. I thrive off of routine, but have never seemed to get into one that works for our family. It doesn't help that Josh has the craziest schedule of all time. Thankfully his random schedule is somehow predictable these days. Not that it makes it any better, but what can you do. Maybe one day I will have him home for dinner every day and can rely on him coming home before the kiddos are asleep in bed. I attempted a new "schedule" last week where I devoted each day to one thing. Monday was cleaning the bathroom and doing a little work in the afternoon. Tuesday is my work day (I do a little side work for Limeberry and another little fun "job") since my mom takes Eden for the afternoon. And so on... This actually worked well for me, and I am attempting to stick with it this week. I do have a hard time letting go of the cleaning on days that aren't meant for cleaning because let's face it. I am psychotic and I can't handle germies.
2. Life is a bit...crazy..for us right now. Crazy being the understatement of the century. So far there hasn't been an end to that craziness in over 2 years. Sheesh. I wish I could explain more, but a lot of it is something we just cannot share yet. I will say we are so thankful for a basement to rent at my parents and for food. Even if I am not so good at sharing a house with my parents, my sister, and three dogs. Sorry guys, I am still working on sharing at 28 years old. True story.
3. Speaking of dogs and humans...I have a serious aversion to hair. I mean I kinda always knew that, but being surrounded by two big dogs and 3 girls with long dark hair has taught me that I have a real problem. Loose hair gives me hives. Every time a dog hair tumbleweed blows by in our hallway I have a small heart palpitation and run for the vacuum. Again...I have issues.
4. You know how a lot of people talk about Pinterest being an issue for them? I actually find Pinterest to be very helpful. For some reason I don't feel "less than" while looking at pretty homes and fun crafts and such. I just use them for inspiration. Try to change your thinking while you are on there. Let it be something that encourages you to be a better wife/mom/friend. One thing I have appreciated while we wait for a place of our own is the chance to REALLY figure out my personal decorating style. I used to think I totally loved traditional with a twist of modern, but upon searching my boards I noticed I really tend towards a vintage/modern/farmhouse/eclectic vibe. Hmm...maybe I should make a name for that style. Vimotic Farmhouse. Yup. I am now more giddier than ever to have a place of our own (an apartment I am sure) to decorate to my hearts content. Of course using what we already have on hand because we do our best to not spend a dime. Because we have zero dimes of course.
5. I write blog posts in my head every day. I also do this with letters. And emails. And facebook messages. And texts. Oh and I even write books in my head. Sadly, they rarely get written down. Sorry all. I am still learning to type one handed while cradling a rather large baby in the other okay? Thanks for understanding.
6. I LOVE MY KIDS. Seriously. For some reason people are under the false impression that I think having two kids is hard. That's not the truth. Not one bit. Okay maybe sometimes I want to scream, but it's usually because the dogs barked at the mailman and woke up both kids who are now crying because they are so tired but got woken up far too early. How's that for a run-on sentence? Just the other day I was feeding Israel while watching Eden play and got super excited thinking about having a big family. I always swore I would never have more than two kids...and then Jesus (and Josh) helped me to see that I was meant for a big family. I'm not an amazing mom...oh no...far from it, but training up these babies to be lovers of Jesus and His people gives me serious joy. Now I look at my younger self and laugh. Two kids? No way....I would be perfectly content if that is all we were blessed with, but something tells me we have some beautiful different colored skinned babies coming our way.
7. Speaking of adoption. It's funny how God can break your heart over time. Adoption has been something I have felt called to since I was four years old. That was never a question. God instructs His children to look after the orphan. I cannot say no to that. However, it wasn't until recently that He opened my heart to special needs. Josh and I are still praying hard about it, but we have enjoyed some talks as we think about what that could mean for our family. One thing we talked about was how often we say "that is for someone else." Instead of saying, "why not us?!" Just something we are praying about.
8. I am a hermit. I have always known I was a homebody. That is obvious. BUT the other day Josh said, "Mallory, you aren't just a homebody, you are a hermit." Said in the nicest way possible of course. He is right though. I am. Add to that the fact that much of our married life we have shared a car which means I don't have one and well, it means I NEVER leave. Sadly, it rarely bothers me and I know that is bad. Something I am working on. I figure if I write it down it will make me feel more convicted. Maybe.
9. This wasn't meant to be a self discovery post all about me, but well, apparently that is what I had to say for the day.
10. This weekend we are celebrating the marriage of a friend I have known since middle school. And we get to travel for it. Which means a vacation! WOOHOO. The wedding is in Sunriver and I am so very excited because we haven't been to that area in 6.5 years. That is not okay.
The end. For now.
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