Our 3rd adoption fundraiser garage sale is happening this weekend! If you are local, come check it out and see what treasures you can find!
Thursday, June 18, 2015
FUNDRAISER: The Apparent Project
Hi all! Wanted to check in and let you know about our newest fundraiser. One we love VERY MUCH. Let me introduce you to the Apparent Project. Basically they take discarded materials and upcycle them into beautiful jewelry. The artisans who create the bracelets are able to earn money in order to care for their families. These bracelets bring so much HOPE.
So, where do we fit in? The Apparent Project has a double cause fundraiser option where you can sell their bracelets to raise funds for your cause and in turn you are also helping to pay the artisans. This is amazing!
Here's the thing. We know we were called to adopt. But, our biggest prayer is that adoption wouldn't even be necessary. We pray that parents will be empowered enough to be able to continue to care for their children instead of feeling that they must resort to adoption because it is their only adoption. Children belong in their families. There are times where this is not possible, and then, that is where adoption should be an option. This is why we love organizations like AP. We are so thankful we get to be a part of this!
Each bracelet is beautifully handcrafted IN Haiti! Our child's birth country. I cannot even begin to tell you just how beautiful they are. I love every single one of them. Each bracelet is $10. Five dollars of that will go to our adoption, and the other five dollars will go back to the Apparent Project. If you need your bracelets shipped, we are charging a flat fee of $3, no matter how many bracelets you order. If you are local to Salem, Oregon you can waive the shipping fee and just pick up your bracelet. Remember these make perfect gifts as well! Think of family members, friends, teachers...it's a gift that gives back!
Send payments via Paypal to: ourheartsinhaiti@gmail.com
*Please note if you use the option to send money to friends/family PayPal will not take a percentage of the money. In the notes section, please indicate how many bracelets you want. Feel free to mention if you are hoping for a certain color scheme (this cannot be guaranteed). Don't forget to include your mailing address!
We are about $2700 away from having enough money to send our dossier. This is the VERY LARGE stack of papers that will be sent to Haiti and is how they learn about our family and approve us and match us with our child. We are hopeful to be able to send it within the next couple weeks. But, we can't do it without the money. We need this to happen quickly so we will continue to raise every bit of money we can. Once we have our Home Study in our hands (we pray that this is early next week) we can begin to apply for grants. So much rides on this elusive Home Study!
So very excited that things are moving so quickly now! Believing that the Lord will provide the funds!
So, where do we fit in? The Apparent Project has a double cause fundraiser option where you can sell their bracelets to raise funds for your cause and in turn you are also helping to pay the artisans. This is amazing!
Here's the thing. We know we were called to adopt. But, our biggest prayer is that adoption wouldn't even be necessary. We pray that parents will be empowered enough to be able to continue to care for their children instead of feeling that they must resort to adoption because it is their only adoption. Children belong in their families. There are times where this is not possible, and then, that is where adoption should be an option. This is why we love organizations like AP. We are so thankful we get to be a part of this!
Each bracelet is beautifully handcrafted IN Haiti! Our child's birth country. I cannot even begin to tell you just how beautiful they are. I love every single one of them. Each bracelet is $10. Five dollars of that will go to our adoption, and the other five dollars will go back to the Apparent Project. If you need your bracelets shipped, we are charging a flat fee of $3, no matter how many bracelets you order. If you are local to Salem, Oregon you can waive the shipping fee and just pick up your bracelet. Remember these make perfect gifts as well! Think of family members, friends, teachers...it's a gift that gives back!
Send payments via Paypal to: ourheartsinhaiti@gmail.com
*Please note if you use the option to send money to friends/family PayPal will not take a percentage of the money. In the notes section, please indicate how many bracelets you want. Feel free to mention if you are hoping for a certain color scheme (this cannot be guaranteed). Don't forget to include your mailing address!
We are about $2700 away from having enough money to send our dossier. This is the VERY LARGE stack of papers that will be sent to Haiti and is how they learn about our family and approve us and match us with our child. We are hopeful to be able to send it within the next couple weeks. But, we can't do it without the money. We need this to happen quickly so we will continue to raise every bit of money we can. Once we have our Home Study in our hands (we pray that this is early next week) we can begin to apply for grants. So much rides on this elusive Home Study!
So very excited that things are moving so quickly now! Believing that the Lord will provide the funds!
Friday, June 5, 2015
The Cost
Confession: I thought the money aspect of adoption wouldn't be hard at all. I mean, sure, it is a HUGE number, but I have watched countless adoptions that have been fully funded, no matter how many times that family came in with $0 in the bank. We came in with a portion of money already in savings so I thought, hey, we've got this. Notice, I say WE not HE.
To be honest, I have caught myself doubting. I'm watching others adoptions become fully funded all around me, while we are fundraising our hearts out and saving every penny and I feel like we still have SO far to go. But, I know He is faithful. He is asking us to work hard for a reason. He is refining us.
There was a time where we didn't have money in the bank. Not even a penny. But, He still provided. I have never had to rely on Him so much in my whole life. We knew we couldn't do it on our own. He helped us find buyers for all of our furniture (if it wasn't nailed down, we sold it). He brought us people who gave us groceries and donated gift cards. It was one of the hardest times of our lives, but was also the best. We learned to fully rely on Him and nothing else.
So, here I am again. Looking at a number that seems impossible, but choosing to believe that He will fund this adoption. It has nothing to do with me and what I do.
Right now we need $26,900 to be fully funded. We are choosing to look at each step at a time so as of right this minute, we need $3250 in order to send our dossier. We have been chipping away at that number slowly, but surely.
We have been so thankful for all who have been fundraising for us or who have purchased things from our fundraisers. We need you to know that we can't do this without YOU. Truly. Fundraising is so hard and so humbling. To be honest, I wanted to pay for this entire adoption alone. I didn't want to ask for money. But, what I've realized is that if we didn't fundraise, we wouldn't be giving all of you a chance to be a tangible part of our adoption. Not every single person is called to adopt, but we are each called to care for the orphan. So, we are thankful that God made it possible for us to open up an opportunity for others to be a part of this journey with us.
What are we doing right now? Glad you asked.
Josh is currently plugging away at multiple jobs. His main income is what we live off of. His other two jobs, real estate and coaching, go right into the adoption account. Every house sold or bought helps to fund our adoption. That's been pretty awesome. And, if you know me, you know I am the world's cheapest person. Not frugal. Cheap. If I can DIY it, I will, in order to not spend money. So, you can be assured that we are being good stewards of our money in order to save every extra penny for our adoption.
We are getting ready to do a HUGE garage sale fundraiser. We are praying that this year's is much more successful than last year.
We will be starting a NEW fundraiser very soon...so keep an eye out for it!
And, how can you help?
Seriously, we are so thankful for each and every one of you. As you can see, we cannot do it alone. And we have a serious need to get this money raised so we can send our dossier the second it is ready to go. We NEED this to move fast (and oh how I wish I could share more....SOON!).
We will continue to do our best to keep you updated on our process and how you can help. Love to you all!
To be honest, I have caught myself doubting. I'm watching others adoptions become fully funded all around me, while we are fundraising our hearts out and saving every penny and I feel like we still have SO far to go. But, I know He is faithful. He is asking us to work hard for a reason. He is refining us.
There was a time where we didn't have money in the bank. Not even a penny. But, He still provided. I have never had to rely on Him so much in my whole life. We knew we couldn't do it on our own. He helped us find buyers for all of our furniture (if it wasn't nailed down, we sold it). He brought us people who gave us groceries and donated gift cards. It was one of the hardest times of our lives, but was also the best. We learned to fully rely on Him and nothing else.
So, here I am again. Looking at a number that seems impossible, but choosing to believe that He will fund this adoption. It has nothing to do with me and what I do.
Right now we need $26,900 to be fully funded. We are choosing to look at each step at a time so as of right this minute, we need $3250 in order to send our dossier. We have been chipping away at that number slowly, but surely.
We have been so thankful for all who have been fundraising for us or who have purchased things from our fundraisers. We need you to know that we can't do this without YOU. Truly. Fundraising is so hard and so humbling. To be honest, I wanted to pay for this entire adoption alone. I didn't want to ask for money. But, what I've realized is that if we didn't fundraise, we wouldn't be giving all of you a chance to be a tangible part of our adoption. Not every single person is called to adopt, but we are each called to care for the orphan. So, we are thankful that God made it possible for us to open up an opportunity for others to be a part of this journey with us.
What are we doing right now? Glad you asked.
Josh is currently plugging away at multiple jobs. His main income is what we live off of. His other two jobs, real estate and coaching, go right into the adoption account. Every house sold or bought helps to fund our adoption. That's been pretty awesome. And, if you know me, you know I am the world's cheapest person. Not frugal. Cheap. If I can DIY it, I will, in order to not spend money. So, you can be assured that we are being good stewards of our money in order to save every extra penny for our adoption.
I have been having bracelet sales on Instagram (my shop page is @joyfulmangoshop) which have been going really well. I'm hoping to have a large sale soon!
We are getting ready to do a HUGE garage sale fundraiser. We are praying that this year's is much more successful than last year.
We will be starting a NEW fundraiser very soon...so keep an eye out for it!
And, how can you help?
- If you are local, chat with Josh about your real estate needs ;)
- Buy a bracelet
- Check out our YouCaring page (you can find this on the right sidebar)
- Locals can donate items or come to our garage sale June 19-20 (more info to come)
- Check out The Rustic Orange who is donating a portion of her sales to us (her items are AMAZING)!
- Pray!
You can also check out our fundraising page up above (which I am working on updating) just to see where we are at!
Seriously, we are so thankful for each and every one of you. As you can see, we cannot do it alone. And we have a serious need to get this money raised so we can send our dossier the second it is ready to go. We NEED this to move fast (and oh how I wish I could share more....SOON!).
We will continue to do our best to keep you updated on our process and how you can help. Love to you all!
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Letting Go
Sorry about the switch up yet again from wordpress to blogger. I tried so hard to make it work, but it just wasn't the right platform for me. I had issue after issue with trying to do certain things on there and in the end I needed to come back to blogger. Thanks to the change, we are now able to have our YouCaring site right on the right sidebar and we will also be able to add other fundraisers and such now. Thanks for sticking with us! Now, on to the heart of the post...
My title for this post was "Letting Go" and as I was sitting contemplating how to put into words everything that has happened since November, this song came on. And it absolutely hit me. Here is just part of the song that just brought me to tears and falling on my knees.
Steffany Gretzinger
"Letting Go"
You've brought me to the end of myself
And this has been the longest road
Just when my hallelujah was tired
And this has been the longest road
Just when my hallelujah was tired
You've brought me to the end of myself
And this has been the longest road
Just when my hallelujah was tired
You gave me a new song
Now I'm letting go
I'm letting go
I'm letting go
Falling into You
And I confess, I still get scared sometimes
But perfect love comes rushing in
And all the lies that screamed inside go silent
The moment You begin
And this has been the longest road
Just when my hallelujah was tired
You gave me a new song
Now I'm letting go
I'm letting go
I'm letting go
Falling into You
And I confess, I still get scared sometimes
But perfect love comes rushing in
And all the lies that screamed inside go silent
The moment You begin
I think this whole post could be summed up with this, "You've brought me to the end of myself. And this has been the longest road. Just when my hallelujah was tired. You gave me a new song."
Because, friends, we were beyond tired. We were worn. Scarred. Ready to put up the, 'I SURRENDER!" flag. I have had moments where I wondered what we were doing. Why, oh why, were we adopting from Haiti? Why international adoption at all? We have been in the process for only 10 months and I already was ready to throw in the towel. Satan had weaseled his way into my head and I couldn't shake him.
But, now? Now I know exactly what all the tears I have cried for the last 6 months have been for. There may be moments I am tempted to wish away all the hard moments, but to be frank, I refuse to. Because it brought us here. And right here, well, it's amazing. We still have so many battles ahead, but we know each battle is worth the fight because we now can see the reward ahead. And it's going to be beautiful.
So, here we go. Let's have a sit down chat about why we had to be so silent lately.
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My 30th birthday and the day we were eligible to adopt from Haiti. |
November 10, 2014.
The day that seemingly changed it all. It was also the day that I turned 30 and we could officially adopt from Haiti.
It was that day that we were given the go ahead to adopt two AMAZING boys. Two boys that Josh had met on his mission trip. It wasn't planned. In fact, I had told him NOT to fall in love with any kids there. But, it didn't matter. We both fell so hard for them.
However, there was one thing in our way. Their orphanage was in the process of getting approved for adoption, but not approved yet. So, with the advice from our agency, we all decided we should take the next 6 months to do some extra education on older child adoption, talk to other families that had adopted older children, and then we would be in contact at the end of the 6 months to discuss how to proceed.
I so thought that wait would be no big deal. I mean, we had a time frame. And those boys were worth waiting for. But, you guys. It was ridiculously hard. I had not expected it at all.
The 6 month deadline was basically here. Josh and I both knew we needed to move forward in one way or another, but let me tell you, we did not see what direction the Lord was leading for quite awhile. Even though looking back, I know it really was pretty evident. I could feel that we were not the right family for them, no matter how much I tried to make it happen. And, in the end, the orphanage still was not approved.
And, this is where it gets hard. I want to be real with you, but I still need to protect this story. Because those boys are still very loved by us. We want the very best for them.
We walked away. And making that final decision gave me the most peace I have felt in 6 months. I had cried so many tears. My heart has been so broken. But having an answer and knowing that it was what God had wanted helped heal my heart. We believe those boys have an amazing future ahead of them and we are so thankful that we will still be able to be a part of their lives, just not in the way we originally thought.
And God totally dropped a bomb on us. Let's just say we are fast tracking things and praying that things move quickly. And suddenly I am having to trust Him again. Trust that He will provide the funds that are needed to get our dossier to Haiti. I thought the money part wouldn't scare me. We have seen him provide when we had $0 in our bank account for 6 months. Never the less, I see the giant bill ahead of me and am wondering how we will get it paid. It's going to be so amazing to look back some day and see His hand in every moment of this.
Thank you all for journeying with us. For praying with us. For encouraging us. For loving us amidst our crazy. We appreciate every single one of you.
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