Sunday, October 11, 2009

Shopaholics Unite!

Ikea, Ikea, Ikea, I am so glad that you are only an hour away from my home. I grew up entering in your doors many days, strolling through your massive showroom, eating all the glorious food. When I moved up to Oregon I thought I might just die. The closest Ikea was hours and hours away in Seattle...although that never did keep my friends and I as high schoolers from taking trips up there and stuffing every crevice of our small cars with the goods. I am grown up now, and I must admit...absolutely nothing has changed! My friend Ruby (who besides my husband I tend to spend every waking moment with) had suggested an Ikea trip and even though I had promised myself this weekend would be devoted to cleaning, I just couldn't say no.

What prompted this trip? Well, awhile back Joshua sold Ruby and her husband their brand new house (which they got to watch being built in front of their very own eyes). Since then Ruby has given me the amazing privilege of designing the entire interior space! Um, yes please?!?! Although, truth be told...she thinks I am doing all the designing, but she really doesn't realize just how much she is inspiring the design. I have my secret ways of getting her to tell me what she REALLY likes and then I do my best to incorporate it. So sneaky I am. Anyway, yesterday's goal was more items for the walls, some extra accessories, pillows for the couches, bookshelves, lighting...well there was a long list. So how did we fare? Well, let's see...

Actually I will take a brief pause in programming to not forget the fabulous other favorite store...HOME GOODS! Home goods is another store that is not located in Salem (although at least we do have TJMaxx..phew!). Funny thing is HG is located right in the same parking lot as Ikea so we always get to hit up both on the same trip. This trip up we chose to hit the Goods before going to the giant Swedish store. We did score a few things, but namely these satiny pillows...

After a quick stop for some nourishment we entered into the land of Ikea. No matter how many times I have been there, it is a requirement to browse the well designed sets. There are wonderful ideas in there..and being an apartment dweller I can certainly appreciate all the multi-use and efficiently sized items. So did  we accomplish our goals? NEARLY. We were able to get a lot of the accessories that we were in search of, as well as almost completely finishing the dining room. We had hoped to get the two bookshelves that Ruby had picked out, but unfortunately the boxes weighed more than we did AND the car was already filled to the brim. SO CLOSE! We also did not find the light fixtures Ruby was hoping for, but I am confident that Target will probably be able to help us out there.

So, want to see what was accomplished last night? Oh wait, let me tell you that our entire trip up and back to the two stores lasted NINE hours. Not only that, but we then spent the next three hours assembling. LONG DAY, but so very worth it. Ready for the dining room? Here it is...

(Hopefully Ruby doesn't hate me for this one, we had just helped them move in and this was the catchall, but not anymore!)


I was so happy with the outcome and both homeowners seemed to be as well. What a successful day! The bookshelf I spoke of earlier will serve two purposes...shelf space AND buffet. The dining room and living room are connected so with the addition of that piece they will have a lot of versatility.

I did take a few photos of items that I think were AMAZING at Home Goods..

(Saw these at TJMaxx as well. I remember seeing much more expensive versions at Pottery Barn)

(They had great Ottomans, but L.O.V.E the one on top!)

(Adore the metallic purple, silver, and white color scheme. 
Would look great with black as well)


  1. So GOOD!! I really love your sense on design and use of colors!

  2. maybe we should go shopping to ikea sometime together...i'm realizing more and more that we enjoy lots of similar things. :) good job on the decorating by the way.

  3. Thanks Anon!Kari I do agree...we should definitely go sometime!! And thank you by the way!
