I planned on making heart shaped pancakes, but didn't have a heart shaped cookie cutter. So, I thought, "gee, I'll be creative and improvise." I then went and made a heart template out of construction paper with the intention of dusting powdered sugar over it to create a cute little heart on top of the pancakes.
A big ant family had decided to move in to both of our powdered sugar boxes and then treated it as their own personal cemetery. Awesome.
Instead of feeling like a big failure I just served up plain ole round pancakes. They still tasted the same. Whatever.
Eden was dressed in her heart pajamas the night before. She spit up all over them. It was the last time we were having her wear them since she outgrew them. I didn't even get a picture. Thankfully her "aunt" Ruby had given her a cute cupcake outfit so she wore that instead.
She even pointed to the cupcakes. I think my girl is going to love sweets.
We did some working in the middle of the day.
I put Eden in her valentine outfit that I had been saving for FOREVER. It was a gift from Josh's relatives. She had a blowout...like a real big one. Thankfully I had done a photoshoot with her before she decided to completely cover herself in nastiness.
Eden also got some valentine's presents from her grandma "Lola." She is spoiled. Our daughter apparently loves puzzles. She is mesmerized by them.
We did not spoil our daughter nearly as much. We bought her a cute little headband from this etsy store. So cute. As soon as it arrives I promise to do a photo shoot and share with you.
For dinner we have spaghetti and turkey meatballs. Turkey because we are still on a diet and I like to think it erases the giant amount of sugar in the cookie. It didn't, but it tasted good so I don't care. We had our favorite french bread from Safeway. It's nearly $2 when not on sale, but worth every penny. All this was eaten on our wedding china. I'm so glad I finally pulled it out of storage. It is pretty.
We didn't forget about dessert. I made this dairy, egg, and nut free chocolate pudding cake. It is just like a chocolate molten cake (if you haven't had one then PLEASE do, you will love me for it). It is lots of chocolate and then oozes more chocolate. I ate half of it.
Together we sat down and read our valentine's that we made for one another. It was a great way to really see what we value about the other person. Josh and I wrote a lot of the same things for Eden's valentines. We love that girl.
Josh gave me roses. He started with 1 rose when we were first married and then adds one each year. This year he gave me four. Roses aren't my favorite flower, but I love the tradition. Plus roses were what I carried on our wedding day. It is so sweet that he remembers each year.
We ended our night with kisses for Eden and went to bed thankful for an excuse to celebrate one another and eat chocolate.
She is suddenly not looking brand-new anymore!!! Especially in the pic of her sitting up- she looks like such a big girl!!!