Josh and I have been discussing the idea of doing giveaways on the blog because we would love a chance to give back to our very fabulous readers. Imagine our surprise when CSN contacted us about doing a giveaway. We were elated and it just seemed perfect that a company that caters to home design enthusiasts would
CSN Stores are full of great finds. They have fabulous modern furniture (which of course our house is full of), great rugs, and all sorts of well priced finds for your home. It is like a home owner's wonderland of sorts. Or at least, that's what I would think a wonderland would be like. Besides, with 200+ stores at your fingertips you are bound to find something great.
So, what do you get from the fabulous folks at CSN? Why, a $35 gift certificate* to spend as you like in any one of their stores. How fun is that?!
You know I couldn't help myself and had to pick out some of my own favorites.
Can you tell Bella wanted to get in on the action? She just HAD to include the doxie trays.
How do you get entered to win $35 to CSN Stores? Easy peasey lemon squeezy I say. Really, I did say that.
**Giveaway Closed**
For every one that you do please leave a separate comment so we can count each one. Feel free to do all three to increase your chances of winning. The giveaway ends February 13 @ 11:59 p.m. pst. A random winner will be announced February 14...Valentine's Day!
*Please note that the $35 gift certificate does not include shipping. The good news is a lot of items include free shipping so it makes up for it.
Good luck to you all!
Oddly enough, I can't find your gfc link anywhere on your page. Just thought I'd let you know.From a potential follower....lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteGreat! And I now follow on gfc (instead of just lurking).lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog! :) Super excited about your giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteI follow!! Ruby house
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower! Your Eden is precious :) Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI shared this giveaway on Facebook here: {at} comcast (dot) net
ReplyDeleteI posted this on facebook as Dee G: for the chance :)deeg131 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI'm a gfc follower.fourkidsrgreat(at)
ReplyDeletePosted on fb :!/permalink.php?story_fbid=177821985592773&id=100000865341565fourkidsrgreat(at)
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower! Nice to meet ya. I'm going to tweet this post to link back to you!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower too! fun stuff!
ReplyDeleteI blogged! at gmail dot com