Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tray Talk

Mother's Day is coming. Soon. Please tell me you didn't forget. 

Well, even if you did forget...or well, even if you didn't, I wanted to give you a quick crafty project to tackle just in case you hadn't yet decided on a gift for your beloved mother. 

Here's the skinny. Some moms are hard to shop for. You know they work so hard and do so much all year long, but when it comes to buying them something you just don't know where to start. I think most moms oftentimes don't feel like they actually "need" anything so you are left trying to figure out what extra special thing you can give to the woman who birthed you or brought you into her life in some way or another. Honestly I am all for handmade. I think any gift that was thoughtfully made by you shows just how much you care. It's a great excuse to get your craft on as well...and that is never a bad thing. 

Last year I made a chalkboard tray (I know, using old craft projects as blog material seems to be a theme lately) and it is now well used by my sister from another mister, Ruby. Yes, the same Ruby who just celebrated her golden birthday. Okay, I know what you are thinking, Ruby is not my mother. This is true. However, in going through old photos of projects I had done, I came across the tray and thought it was such a great gift for anyone, especially mommies. Now, this would be the part where I show you that photo. The problem is I wasn't so great at using my camera back then and the photos are so blurry that even I had a hard time making out (that's what she said!) what it was. So, without further adieu, I give you a whole bunch of other people's chalkboard trays that I found all over my beloved internet. 


Trays can be used to write notes to the family or even to have in a guest room with some welcoming words and some toiletries or even a little snack as shown above.

Does your mom love tea? Have a grown up tea party outside with her new tray. Oh and husbands, you aren't getting out of this that easy. Why don't you use those DIY skills I know you have and make your wife a chalkboard tray of her own AND THEN do something bold. Go cook her breakfast and serve it to her in bed. Stop your whining. I don't care if you don't know how to cook. Go watch some Food Network, do a little googling, and figure it out. Trust me, she deserves it and she will love you and your burnt toast.

Nobody said chalkboards have to be black (or green like in elementary school). Find a chalkboard paint in your mom's favorite color, or find one that matches her decor. Need some inspiration? Check out all of the colors that Hudson Paint carries.

 Want to really get your hands dirty and can't find the paint color that you really desire? Make your own. Check out the oh so talented Kate from Centsational Girl's great tutorial

Not feeling the whole tray thing? Then, grab something else and paint away! Seriously, if your mom loves to cook or garden, how cute would painted chalkboard pots be? Honestly, the possibilities are endless. Just head out to your local thrift store, Target, wherever and find something that looks like it wants to be painted. 

Oh and most definitely don't forget the chalk. Preferably some pretty colored chalk. Although, white is always nice as well.

Now, go forth my pretties and make something nice for that special mom in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Umm- that tray was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I want one.
