I have been terrible at keeping up with the latest events that have happened in our lives. So, this is my effort to fix that. We will see if I make it. Heads up I am just going straight from the iPhone...no big girl camera photos here.
Mother's Day & Israel's Dedication
Our church does one big dedication on mother's day every year. I love this. It is such a special day and it is my favorite part about mother's day. Eden ended up coming to the front with us although she was already dedicated when she was a baby. I love that Josh and I are able to commit to raising our children up to love the Lord and have our whole church as witnesses to hold us accountable. We are surrounded by people who love and care for us and for our kids. It was also special having Israel's great grandma, my parents, and all of my siblings there as well. It meant so much to us.

After church we headed home for some food, gifts, and hang out time. It was a very nice and relaxing day!

We headed up to visit the Crain side of the family for the first time since Israel was born. It was nice being able to show him off to family. Eden of course had a blast with the cousins. The three girls sure can fight, but do they ever love each other. We even attempted the kids first movie, but, ummmm...let's just say I don't want to repeat that for a very long time.

Israel's first beach trip & Lola's birthday
This year for my mom's birthday she decided she wanted to take a trip to the beach. We headed over for the day and it was so much fun. This was the first year that Eden LOVED playing in the water. I mean she thought it was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. Right at the end she fell over into the ocean, but that didn't stop her from having fun. Next time I'll remember to bring an extra pair of panties for her...whoops.

Check out my brother. He has gotten so much more confident holding babies. So proud. And they get tired of me saying this...but won't my brother and sis-in-laws babies look so gorgeous?! I keep telling them they are robbing this world of beautiful children. Come on people. I kid I kid.
Central Oregon + Wedding + Father's Day

Last weekend we got to head over to Central Oregon (I was recently informed calling it Eastern Oregon was incorrect). We fell in love immediately. The sun was shining, the mountains were gorgeous, and pretty much we were ready to move right over. And then I remembered that it snows. A lot. Snow ruins everything for me. I still have California sunshine in my veins. We stayed with my aunt and uncle and had an amazing time. We all have talked about it non-stop. Eden keeps asking when we get to go back to the big house and have fun. Pretty sure a yearly trip is now necessary. Now, the reason why were there was to witness two friends get married. Maggie and Jordan are like a glamour couple. They are just way too good looking for their own good. Maggie and I were best friends growing up and she was even a maid of honor in our wedding with my sister. Jordan went to college with us so that was a fun connection. Maggie was beautiful and Eden kept walking around calling her a princess. Oh and Eden? That girl. She reigned as dancing queen. Everyone was circled around our little diva while she danced her heart out until the very last song. We couldn't get her to leave! She's got some pretty great moves to Footloose if I may brag a bit.

One more thing...

We didn't want to forget the sweet dog we rescued a few weeks back. The kids and I were driving up the hill towards our house when I saw a dog right in the middle of the road. Two other cars were approaching from the other direction. We all slowed expecting the dog to run away once it saw the cars. It didn't. In fact the dog just walked around in tight circles...stumbling as it went. My heart melted. This poor dog was obviously having some serious issues. All of us drivers just kept looking at the dog and each other shrugging. I kept hoping the other drivers would get out. The road we were on is narrow and with a baby and toddler in the car I was worried about their safety in the situation. Of course, I have been praying about feeling like sometimes we, as humans, can play it a bit too safe and never let our kids experience the wonders God created. How many great people are out there for us to meet, but we choose to hide in our safe places you know? Granted, this is about a dog...but just go with me here...I was feeling some deep spiritual moments taking place.
Well, it was obvious no one else felt compelled to get out their car on this unusually hot day, so I hauled myself out. I like dogs, but I have been attacked before so I was a bit nervous. One driver yelled out, "just grab it!" Yeah, lady, let me just do that and have a rabid dog eat my hand off. Um, no thanks. Dramatic? Yeah...but what of it? I called to the dog and slowly approached. It just kept going in those tight circles, oblivious to anything around it. Once it was apparent the dog could care less about me, I picked it up and walked it to a grassy area off the road. I thought about driving away, but I couldn't leave that poor thing alone. I tried giving it water...not happening. My heart was breaking. So, I did what any sane person would do. I opened up the rear door of the van (our van dips down in the back trunk area), threw some towels down, and placed the poor pup right on top. We then drove home and placed the dog in a kennel (since there are dogs here that would have eaten it for dinner) and spent some time talking to the dog and bringing it water. Good news, the dog perked up once it was in the shade at our house. We called the local dog shelter who said to go ahead and bring it in. We have heard great things about this dog shelter so we believe the dog either found its owner or has been placed with a new family.
Isn't it funny how God can work in our hearts even in what seems to be a very random way?
Goodbye pup...you will be missed!