Wednesday, March 30, 2011

6 Months

Eden is halfway to her FIRST BIRTHDAY! I think this past month has been one of my favorites...well, if I could pick a favorite because so far I have loved each and every month. The thing about the past month is that she has really started to figure out how to move around. With that, she has also learned how to get what she wants. This girl can let out a big yell that lets you know that she is not happy with her current situation. This girl is becoming more like her mommy with each passing day... 

6 Month Stats
Length: 24.75 inches ~ 13th percentile
Weight: 14 lbs. ~ 10th percentile
Head: 42.3 cm. ~ 43rd percentile

Eden Rae, here is what you have been up to lately:

You love to roll...and keep on rolling until you get to whatever it is you want
You are still being swaddled because you refuse to sleep without it
You are back to napping every day!
You really like to sit up and can sit for quite a long time unassisted 
You love to touch everything...this seems to be your favorite way to learn
You have become a snuggler and we are ecstatic
You sniffle at us a is how you let us know that you want attention
You have learned to "yell" to make us come to you
You think whenever people are talking they are talking to you and start babbling back
You love all of your friends and family
You love your sister and watch everything she does
You want to crawl and are always getting frustrated when it doesn't work
You LOVE being on your tummy (hilarious considering she used to cry during tummy time)

Now that Eden is 6 months old we can really start to see her developing more into a toddler and less of a baby. I definitely say, "you are such a baby" and tend to imitate her when she is whining...maybe I should let her actually be a baby for just awhile longer. :)  This girl is so ready to move and it is driving her nuts that her body isn't quite ready for crawling just yet. We love watching her try different moves in order to get to whatever it is that she is trying to reach for. It still amazes us daily how quickly this girl can move. Eden has become our sole provider of entertainment. Honestly, this girl is hilarious. I am so thankful that Josh and I get to spend every moment with her. I love treasuring each minute with this girl...and yet I still don't feel like I get enough time with her. Eden Rae, you are the best!

And now a picture montage to document her past month...

Wearing the headband she got for Valentine's Day
Via Bitty Blooms

Her adorable cupcake out from the lovely Ali Beth

Working with daddy

Imitating mommy

Happy belated 6 months baby girl!

***For those of you wondering how little E's "polka spots" are doing...well, she is almost over them! After some very long, hard days she is almost 100% back to her bubbly self. Thanks for the prayers!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Polka Dots, Checks, And Stripes


That was my favorite song on the Disney channel growing up...anyone else remember that one? Anyone? Well, here is a video in case you were really excited to hear it.


Well, anyway, this has to do with some polka dots which are usually referred to as chicken pox. Well, actually, if you are me you call them "polka spots." Don't ask why cause I don't really know. I mean, when I was four and had chicken pox I named one of them "punkin." Do you see what I mean? There is just no method to my madness.

Disposable diapers are a necessity right now...don't ask don't want me to elaborate.

See my little polka spotted girl? She had her first spot show up last Tuesday, but it didn't look like much of anything. Then, on Thursday I ended up calling my mom to come take a look at her cause the spot looked quite frightening. It was decided that if anything changed I would call her pediatrician right away. Well, I woke up the next morning and that spot had multiplied all over her body. They looked very strange and not like chicken pox at all. However, I got on the phone with the nurse and she had us come right in...we even had to come in a special door "just in case." Well, that "just in case" was confirmed because our girl most definitely has chicken pox. 

This girl is taking it like a champ. Some moments you wouldn't even know she had anything, however other moments (like at night) she definitely makes it clear that something is not right. It's so hard not being able to help your baby when they are hurting. This is quickly becoming the toughest mom moment because I can't do much of anything for her except bring her to our bed and snuggle. 

All this to say that yes, I realize I have been less than great at blogging lately. I just haven't been too motivated. All three of us have been passing around a cold, and then of course the polka spots came. Life has been one big hectic mess and one of these days I may be able to share it, but today is not that day. We are very thankful for the family and friends that God has placed in our lives. They have really been there for us and while it is hard to accept help, we are quickly learning that God brought us people who love to assist others. We are slowly learning to accept the fact that we are not alone in this world and that sometimes it is okay to admit that things are not easy. So there, things are not easy, but we are still happy.

Hopefully we will be back soon with some inspiration and fun projects! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cookie Monster

I am going to go admit right now that I INHALED these cookies. Thankfully my parents took a load of them off my hands because I was starting to gain some serious weight from eating so many. Hello pregnancy weight, so nice to see you again. 

This recipe comes from a wonderful friend of mine Ashley. She has a blog called Everything Free, and it's all about allergy-free cooking. Ashley is a PRO when it comes to cooking for allergies and thankfully provided us with some allergy-free meals after I had Eden. We are forever grateful for that!

Here is the recipe adapted to fit what I had in my pantry (original recipe here)

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup rice milk
1/2 cup dairy free margarine
4 Tbs cocoa powder

1 Tbs vanilla
1/2 cup Skippy Natural Peanut Butter
3 cups Quaker Oatmeal (quick cooking)

Combine first group if ingredients in a medium saucepan. Heat to boiling, stir 3 minutes.

Stir in vanilla and peanut butter, adding oatmeal last. If mix is too wet add a tablespoon more oats (I did end up adding more). Use two spoons to drop onto wax paper, working quickly as mix hardens to crumbling fast! Do not double batch.

In case you didn't catch it before...I LOVE LOVE LOVED these. It is definitely an easy recipe for anyone trying to make a dessert for someone with food allergies. I actually found that I loved them even more the next day while Josh liked them more the first day. I may have also taken spoonfuls from the pot and inserted directly into my mouth. I may have also taken my finger and cleaned out the entire pot after I was done cooking. In short, if you liked chocolate, dessert, peanut butter, or any combination of will want these. Okay, I am off to go salivate now...

...anyone else notice that my favorite desserts tend to look like blobs of you know what? Alright, sorry, not a good thing to say when prompting you to make something. Well, whatever they look like, they still taste divine! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Baby Loves

As I have said before, there are a heckuva lot of babies being born right now. Our friends and family are procreating at an abnormal rate and we just cant keep up with all of them. Of course we are elated because if you haven't noticed we are OBSESSED with babies. Besides, Eden needs some friends! So, in celebration of all things baby, I thought I would finally let you in on some of my favorite baby and post-pregnancy must haves. 

Baby Must Haves

Baby Must Haves on

1. Aden & Anais Swaddle Blankets - hands down best baby product ever. We adore these. They are made out of muslin which makes them very breathable which was great during the hot month we had after Eden was born, but then were still very useful throughout the winter. Eden is definitely a swaddle loving baby so every night she was swaddled in one of these. You have also seen these in our monthly birthday posts because I love to use them for photo backdrops. Even when we are not swaddling we use them to shield her eyes from the sun in the stroller. In short, these are amazing. Get them.

2. Netflix - This is a mommy must have. Eden had a VERY hard time learning to nurse and would not gain weight for anything. This meant having a very strict schedule where I would feed and pump for over an hour and then two hours later start all over again...all day and all night. So, I fed Eden in the living room, on the couch so that while she ate and drifted off to sleep I could watch an hour of a movie. This may make me a bad mom, but I figured I had PLENTY of bonding time with her throughout the day, so a movie was a nice break during one of the many night feedings. 

3. Nursing Tanks - LOVE THEM. Everybody has their own style, but seriously I live in these. I am quite sure I will be wearing these even after I am done nursing. Oh, wait, what? Did I just admit that where everyone can see!? Uhhh...well, now you know just how much I love them. I ended up with the GlamourMom nursing tanks from Motherhood Maternity. They saved us a few pennies from the actual GlamourMom tanks. If I did it over again I would have just bought the regular ones because those are much longer. I ended up having to wear a regular tank over it and any of you that have breastfed your babies know how annoying layers are. 

4. Nursing Pillows - Again, LOVE these. I first owned the Boppy, and refused to use the "My Brest Friend" nursing pillow because the name annoyed me. I changed my mind quickly. When Eden and I were with the lactation nurse (we saw her every other day for TWO WEEKS) she had us use the My Brest Friend pillow. It was a lifesaver. We purchased one on the spot. For the first few months that pillow was a staple. Now it has retired and Mr. Boppy has replaced it, but honestly, it is wonderful. Oh and we love the Boppy for many reasons...not only is it great to relieve your arms from baby's heavy head, but it is also great for tummy time and then for sitting up. 

5. Grobag Egg Thermometer - This was an essential for our nursery. We do not have heat or air conditioning in either bedroom so we really needed to know what the temperature was at all times. It's so comforting to know how hot or cold it is in Eden's room and adjust the main temperature accordingly. It kept me from stressing about SIDS and about frostbite. 

6. Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller - We heart our stroller. It has definitely gotten some good use. When purchasing a stroller we knew we wanted one that was multi-functional. The last thing we needed was multiple bulky strollers taking up precious real estate in our house and car. We use this for walks and for shopping...we just never felt safe about a car seat teetering precariously on a shopping cart (and our carseat does not actually fit in a cart). 

7. Medela Tender Care Nipple Cream - Hands down, great stuff. I started using it a week before Eden made her debut and used it for her first few months of life. I had zero issues and this, my friends, is a good thing.

8. Boppy Changing Pad Liners - In case you didn't know, when you have a baby you change A LOT OF DIAPERS. Like a ridiculous amount. With that comes the inevitable blowouts as well as baby's who feel it's necessary to pee or poo the second the diaper is off. In short, these kept us from having to wash the changing pad cover every single day. We have three and we just rotate them as needed. 

9. Medela Pump In Style Breast Pump - Thanks to a fabulous friend I was able to use one of these for the first few months. Saved my life. Okay, a bit over dramatic, but it was pretty amazing. I had to pump after every single feeding for the first two months and then had to pump for work. Let me tell you, not every breast pump is made the same so invest in a good one. Also, loved the fact that it has the option of being a double and a single pump...I usually always use the double because um hello, nobody has time to waste when it comes to pumping. Oh and an electric pump is a me, you'll thank me later.

10. Born Free Bottles - Eden never has had gas or colic. I don't know if it was because of these bottles or not, but I am willing to attribute it to them. They say on their label that it reduces gas and colic so hey, why not? They are great bottles and we have had absolutely no issues with them.

11. Bright Starts Automatic Bouncer - Our mission in life is to bring in as few large baby items as possible. Not that we don't want Eden to have options, but just because we simply do not have the space. So, we opted to not have a swing and just get this bouncer. This is not your typical bouncer, no sir. Instead of vibrating, it actually goes up and down. It's great. It also has music and white noise that you can play while your baby is bouncing. It was a great place to put Eden when we needed to grab something and it seemed to keep her happy.

It was SO hard to narrow down the list. I tried to choose items that have been useful for a good majority of her baby days as opposed to ones that we used for a short time. As I type this I realize I actually did miss two items that are quite vital to our lives so let me add those (sorry, it can't be helped).

Meet the Sleep Sheep and Sophie the Giraffe. Eden has been using the Sleep Sheep in her crib since the day we brought her home from the hospital. She can sleep without it, but definitely is used to the soothing sounds. See, the sheep is actually a white noise machine in disguise. We prefer the ocean waves and it seems Eden took a liking to that one as well. Sophie is a new friend around these parts (I know that means we haven't used this item for a good majority of her days, but I like to break the rules). Sophie is AWE to the SOME. She is a teether disguised as a cute little toy. Eden thinks she is great...and so does Bella. Sophie pretty much goes wherever we go, we love her.

Alright, I think I am done. Thanks for any of you that stuck it out with me through this super duper long post. We definitely made it a goal to only get things we thought we would actually need...and not fill our house with tons of baby items that would go unused. We are happy to report that everything we registered for and have bought has been used a lot. This may not always be the case, but we are happy with what we have. 

I hope this was a great resource for those of you getting ready to pop out a little one. Eden would like you to know that she is ready and willing to be your baby's best friend. Oh and if you are not pregnant....what's keeping you?! We really would like more babies around!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Luck 'O The Irish

Today is also a special is Eden's SIX MONTH birthday. I am actually going to postpone her usual birthday post since we don't see her pediatrician until the 29th (he is on vacation until then...the nerve). So, sit tight, we will be highlighting what has been going on in our pretty baby's life over the past month soon enough. 

Don't worry, we still celebrated even though we didn't know officially how long she is or how much she weighs...I'm not that crazy. Her day started with her very first bite of rice cereal, her first try at using a sippy cup, her first play date, one big giant nap, and then mom and dad got a giant bowl of green pasta (which Eden promptly tried to grab and eat). Quite a day. More on our favorite subject later this month! 

Eden's half birthday present

Oh, and one more thing. Because this family never takes themselves too seriously (or because I am a mean mom), I thought I would share one of our favorite photos from today's St. Patrick's Day photo shoot.

We hope you all enjoyed having a bit of green in your life today! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Operation: SIMPLIFY

As if we didn't already know that I was crazy about living a minimalist life, I will now make it more evident by telling you about my latest project. I have kind of gone on an organizing rampage. I dislike clutter and mess and living in 830 square feet means it is vital that I find ways to organize each and every item in this house. If I even think it is okay to leave something out, it looks like a tornado actually ripped through our house...and that's with only ONE thing sitting out. Dramatic much? Seriously though, living in tight quarters is something I love because I am all about living on less, but it means I have to be proactive in controlling messes. So, my mission is simple. Go around to each area of each room in the house and figure out a) my problem areas and b) what I can do to fix it. If there are items that we don't need, they get tossed. I really have no mercy so you may want to stay out of our house for the next couple of weeks....I may just toss you out. Alright, not really, my guests can stay!

My first mission was the ridiculous amount of clutter that resided in a basket that lives on top of my little storage cabinet next to my desk. I originally placed it there to hold the mail before we had a chance to walk it down to Josh's office in the basement. This quickly turned into my own dumping ground for anything that I was too lazy to put away didn't have a home. This meant that I needed a solution...and to find a home for a large assortment of items. I was also presented with another challenge. All of my projects must cost me ZERO in moolah because I think we are permanently in a spending freeze (more on that another time). I love me a good challenge.

Right about now, if I were a good blogger, I would have taken photos of the giant mess of items that were residing in the basket. The truth is, I wasn't comfortable with it. I know that's not being very honest when I tell you I strive to be very open on this blog, but well...I just am not comfortable with my messes. I promise I'll do better at showing my big giant piles of you know what during this operation of sorts, but you are just straight out of luck this time. So, instead, here are some pictures of the supplies I gathered.

I grabbed some coordinating scrapbook paper, a few purple folders that Josh had on hand, my paper cutter, and some glue. It was quite simple really.

I cut out a piece of the scrapbook paper because although the folders were already a fun color, we all know without that extra dose of "pizazz" I might as well just scrap the project altogether because I need everything to look pretty in order to motivate me to actually keep the system working. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Once I had the pretty rectangles attached to the folders, I just printed out some labels. I chose to make folders for our "problem areas" as well as one for mail for Josh and I.

We have already started using the folders and it is making a world of difference. See, my handsome hubby LOVES to drop the mail right on the t.v. console. Let's just say this leads to a very annoyed wife on a daily basis. Without the mail there, the only thing we have sitting on the t.v. unit is a Netflix dvd that needs to be returned, Josh's wallet, and Josh's keys. Don't worry, I already have a place for his wallet and keys in his nightstand....guess we just have to pick our battles (love you babe!).

The best thing about this system is I get to throw all the boring mail (i.e. bills) in Josh's folder and throw all the fun mail (i.e. magazines and catalogs) into mine. I bet you can imagine which one of us gets excited to get the mail and who doesn't.

So, nothing too exciting about this one. It was a super simple and completely free update that will hopefully keep our house just a little more clutter free.

IHeart Organizing

I can't end this post without mentioning a fantastic blog that I just ran across. IHeart Organizing is the most amazing thing I have ever found. It takes my favorite subject and breaks it down into all these great projects that just make me so happy. Honestly whenever I go through all of Jen's archives my heart races a bit more. This is what I believe Heaven will be like...binders and boxes and all sorts of organizing bliss. Anyway, my plan is to follow her monthly projects to ensure I don't lose track of my goal of a fully organized home. I feel myself breathing easier already....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Say Cheese!

I am starting this off by saying, I am not a great photographer…not even a good photographer…in fact I don’t think I could even be a called a photographer at all. I am just a mom who is obsessed with my camera and determined to challenge myself to learn everything I can. So, sorry if you are a professional thinking I am going to “wow” you with my knowledge. Not so much. You may want to just leave now. However, many of you have contacted me regarding my camera so I thought why not just tell you about it.

Let’s start with the equipment.

 Taken with my iPhone - edited with the Instagram app

That’s my baby. Okay, well not my actual baby that I birthed, but I love this camera a whole lot. It is a Canon Rebel XTi. Josh bought it for me for our very first Christmas as newlyweds. We had a budget of $150  for our gifts to each other…he exceeded it…by a lot. He quickly learned what the word “budget” meant after that, but even though we probably had no money left for food after that purchase, I ended up with a great gift! Thankfully Josh worked for Best Buy at the time so that helped ease the pain of the cost as well. Oh young husbands…so naïve…haha.

As far as lenses go, I have the lens that came with the body, an EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 and my new one (my birthday present!) which is a 50mm 1.8. More on lenses later.

When it comes to photo editing, I am kind of weird. I actually do not own Photoshop…partially because of the cost…well okay, mostly because of the cost, but I have another reason as well. I actually am kind of a snob and feel like if you have to use a photo editing program to get a great photo, then  well, I personally think that doesn’t make you much of a photographer. Now, hear me out. I am not saying that photos don’t deserve a little touch-up. Absolutely they do! It is near impossible to get a perfect setting with the perfect scenery every single time. It’s not going to happen. Every photo I post on this blog has been “touched.” Some more than others. However, I rarely use any special effects (or in Photoshop terms “actions”) because I just prefer a natural photo. There are times that I feel those effects are great and I have certainly used them (see below), but as a general rule I only do a bit of touch-up and then let my photo speak for itself. If you happen to like to add effects and actions then by all means go for it! This is strictly my personal opinion and maybe one day it will change as it so often does. 

f/2.0, 1/160, ISO 100

So what do I use when a photo needs a little editing? My favorite free program, Picnik, which I have mentioned here a couple of times. You don’t have as much control as other programs, but hey it’s free and gets the job done. For a couple bucks you can upgrade to their premium service which I am sure I will do one of these days. My next step will in fact be Photoshop Elements…and I would LOVE to have Lightroom one of these days…

 f1.8, 1/2000, ISO 100
SOOC - Straight out of camera (image taken from camera, no editing)

Alright, time for some tips and tricks. First and foremost let’s go back to talking about lenses. I think the best thing you could do for yourself is to save some money by not buying the kit lens when you go to purchase your fancy schmancy new camera. Trust me, it won’t take you long to realize that your DSLR camera is not getting any better images than your old point and shoot. However, I have used my kit lens and it can take good photos in the right setting.

We interrupt this post….

I need to rant for a second. Please, for all things that are good, DO NOT purchase a camera because you believe you will suddenly have beautiful photos. Yes, a fancy camera will help, but by no means will it make your photos great. Seriously, stick with your point and shoot. When you are ready to invest in some good lenses AND actually learn about your camera (meaning no more automatic or flash being used, EVER) then by all means move up in the world and buy yourself a nice camera. Trust me, I have had this camera for over 3 years and I was very discouraged by the photos in the beginning because I wasn’t willing to push myself to learn about my camera. I just sat there using my flash and living in the “automatic” mode. A nice camera does not make a good photographer. Okay, enough ranting.

Honestly, I used my kit lens until last November. I was then introduced to my first fixed lens (basically means the lens doesn’t move, you have to move your body to the correct distance). I LOVE my 50mm. It has opened my eyes. The great thing about this lens? You can purchase it for under 100 bucks. My kind of lens! This lens works great in low light situations and is awesome for portrait photography. This is the only lens I have now, but my next purchase will definitely be a wide angle. I gotta keep saving my pennies…

f/1.8, 1/125, ISO 100

Alright, want to know the one thing that will change your photos forever? TURN OFF THE FLASH! I know it is scary, but just do it. A flash has NEVER flattered anyone. Unless you like the washed out look,  find your camera’s manual and find out how to stop using flash. Period.

f/5.6, 1/50, ISO 1600

There was with just a hint of daylight left so a very lowlight situation.
This is the reason for such a high f/stop. It gives the photo more "noise" (i.e. it has a grainy texture),
but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. 

Now that you aren’t using flash, you will need to learn about natural lighting. This is tough stuff in Oregon where our fall, winter, and apparently spring consists of gloomy gray and lots of rain. For me this means all photos are taken indoors because it’s not so nice to take a little baby outside in the cold rain. I think someone may rethink my ability to be a parent. So, the challenge is finding light in your house. There has got to be at least one place in your house that gets light. Yes, this one room will get boring after you photograph whoever or whatever in there a million and one times, but be creative. Bring in props, set up a backdrop, do whatever it takes to make it work. You don’t want direct sunlight. Trust me, you will learn quickly that dark shadows and giant light beams on faces or objects is just not attractive. 

Most of Eden's photos are taken in here, it has soft lighting in the late afternoon

f/1.8, 1/1000, ISO 200

Our living room is another favorite location, however it gets direct sunlight
so often I close the curtains to filter the light which I did here

I mentioned moving out of automatic mode, but what mode do you use? Whatever you want! I have not moved into manual mode yet, but am really enjoying Av mode. It takes care of shutter speed while you handle ISO and the f-stop. I need to move on to learning more about shutter speed because I have run into a few situations where I wasn’t liking the cameras choice. There is always more to learn…

Now, I definitely have a wish list when it comes to photography. Unfortunately, I didn’t marry a sugar daddy so it looks like I will just have to save my pennies Josh’s pennies one by one until I can afford each item. That or remind Josh of this list when my half birthday comes around. 

These are a few of my favorite things. I wish for a tripod, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3, Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, Tamron 17-35 lens, Jo Totes (the gray is for my practical side, but for my stylish side I would also love a teal epiphanie bag). 

Since I am quite new in this hobby of mine I thought I would share a few great resources that I have come across for some extra reading:

Now don't be shy....go get your camera and shoot somebody! With your camera people...I am not that violent. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Call To Action

I have mentioned here before that adoption is something that is very important to Josh and I. We are praying that if it's God's will that we will be bringing a baby of our own home from Ethiopia in the next couple of years. While we are not quite ready to start the adoption process (I need some time to adjust to parenting ONE baby), there are so many that are right in the midst of an adoption as I type this. Sadly, things may be changing over in Ethiopia and this will affect many families and MANY orphaned children. Here is a letter that was sent out from one of the agencies that we have been looking into,

An Important Update

The Ethiopian Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MOWA) has announced a proposal to decrease the number of adoptions they will process and approve—by as much as 90%. They are planning to accomplish this decrease by limiting the number of approved cases to only 5 per working day. This change is currently set to begin on March 10, 2011.
Please know that no one fully understands this proposal yet. Our staff, led by Almaz (in Ethiopia), are still sorting out what this could mean for each of the children and families that we work with. These children are their passion and they are working on the front lines in this advocacy. Also, this is not limited to AGCI. This will impact every agency and the families that each serve. This means that all agencies are working together in their advocacy making a very strong force that is working on the behalf of children and families. Currently, all agency staff are waiting for the Director of MOWA to return to Ethiopia. Once she returns they will have a chance to sit down and talk over the implications of this proposal.
To attempt to counteract this proposal, the Joint Council on International Children’s Services (JCICS) has put a “Call to Action” in place. This sort of international advocacy is what JCICS does, and they do it well.
We are strongly encouraging you to read their post below and follow the suggested steps. You can also share this with your family, friends, Facebook friends and church to do the same. It is so important that we are all united in this effort! We are all advocates in our own circles of influence—and it is good to partner with you in this!
Thank you again for all that you are doing at this time. You are all valued and important in this process of promoting and preserving the best interest of children in Ethiopia and around the world.
God Bless, 

Hollen FrazierExecutive Director

This could potentially be some very devastating news. My heart is hurting for these poor babies and children. We know God is in control of this situation, but right now prayer is going to be mighty powerful. If you are interested in helping out, please go here to sign a petition. They are hoping for 250,000 signatures. 

To end here is a very powerful song from MercyMe, "Won't You Be My Love." Brings me to tears every time.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where's May's Flowers?

Life has just exploded since last week. I am a bit overwhelmed. Josh has tried to give me a bit of his calmness (that boy seriously does not know how to get anxious about anything), but it is no use. I just happen to be an anxious person by nature. Thankfully over the past couple of years I have calmed down a significant amount (even more so once I became pregnant as crazy as that may sound). We just have a whole lot of stuff going on at the Crain household and I am plum tuckered out. I have always wanted to say that. It makes me feel like I went back in time....

We Oregonians are a in a bit of a funk. The weather is GLOOMY. Even I am going stir crazy and I am the biggest homebody you will ever find. Thankfully God gave us a glimpse of sunshine the other day and Josh and I were quick to take advantage of it. 

Our crocuses are in full bloom. They have more than multiplied this year. I love their cute purpleness (yep, just made that word up). They are so small, but have a big impact. Thank you previous homeowner for planting these, we like them a lot.

We took a walk past the park and made a beeline for Dutch Bros. Now, I am not a fan (sorry!), mostly because I have serious allergies to their coffee, but Josh loves it so I figured why not make a trip there. That boy has been hard at work lately and under a lot of sometimes I give in and choose Dutch Bros. over my dearest Starbucks. It's okay, he bought me a cookie. 

What made this week extra special is the birth of this beauty, Cayden. Eden+Cayden=BFF's. For reals. Our friends Bryan and Charissa are the lucky parents of this baby girl. I have known those two since 6th grade. We grew up in our church's youth group together. Some of my best memories come from those days. I love that I am still friends with my church friend's, and I love it more that my husband is now friends with them. Sure makes get together's much easier. 

Oh and funny hospital story. Josh and I were about to walk in to meet Cayden when a nurse asks, "is that your baby?" pointing to Eden. Our joint response was almost, "Oh, no, actually we stole her from the baby nursery. She's already 5 months old. Imagine that." Don't worry, I think we just said, "yes." Second statement from nurse, "she's not 16." My first response (still in my head), "WHAT?! No way? I was just going to take her to get her driver's license. Gosh darn it. Now I have to drive her everywhere." Glad those nurses taught us a thing or two about our daughter...

Speaking of Miss Eden Rae, she has a special message to all of you!

"Dudes, vote for my mommy and I in this week's I Heart Faces photo challenge. You know you want to." 

What happens if you don't vote? We stop being friends. Okay, not really. Actually I don't want you to vote unless you want to and not unless you think that my baby is pretty and that the photo is at least half decent. Thank you to all of you who have voted so far. This is actually quite embarrassing for me, asking for votes, but I refuse to ignore this photography goal I have why not embarrass myself a bit more. You know you like it. Either way there are some great photos (yes, I voted, and it was hard). I think you can vote through Friday. I'm probably wrong, I don't know. So, if you wanna....go HERE.

Okay now that I feel super awkward I might go crawl into Eden's crib and hide under the sleep sheep (noise machine that is inside a sheep...nevermind).  

I was going to post some photos of my attempt at being domestic for a baby shower that we had for friends of ours, but it's late and did I mention that I have to be up super early in the morning AND be social?! I am much too awkward for social situations, I really do think I should just stay in my house all day long. 

Goodnight moon.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I Heart Faces: Best Face In February

You have seen this one before, but I seriously LOVE it. It captures our baby girl so well. I am entering it into this week's challenge over at I Heart Faces. Check out the other entries, and I challenge you to enter as well! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yarn Wreath Revealed

Confession. I started this wreath shortly after Eden was born. I actually got the wreath part done fairly quickly, but the flowers...well, I took a bit longer to get those done. I don't know why, but the flowers made me quite nervous. What is funny is the fact that the flowers were SO SIMPLE. I am so glad I finished this up just in time for Spring! 

My wreath likes to flaunt all her curves. Check out this close-up shot of her. Oooh yummy. 

I forgot just how much I L.O.V.E crafting. I already have some plans to work on some more fun projects that may or may not include the flowers I finally got the courage to create. 

I am not going to do a tutorial on making this wreath since there are some great tutorials out there, check here. I will say, I am definitely glad I bought one of those wreath forms that look like hay instead of the styrofoam ones. It seemed to work really well. I kept the plastic wrap on which made it super simple. I also found that holding the wreath still and just wrapping the yarn around it made for the easiest process. 

As for the flowers, again I'll leave it up to the other fabulous bloggers out there that made some easy to use tutorials. You can find the rosettes tutorial here and the giant flowers here. Oh and because I have commitment issues (this is why Josh proposed two months after we began dating..) I hot glued paper clips to the back of the flowers so that I could move them wherever and change them up if I so desire. Why paperclips? Because I am lazy and that is what was right next to me on my desk. 

If you need a craft to keep your hands busy, or need a gift for a friend or family member, make one of these! I am quite addicted and I am pretty sure I need to make a million. Don't be surprised if you get one from me because we definitely don't have room in the house to keep all of the ones I want to make.

Oh and if you want to save money here's what you do..collect your supplies by using those handy 40% off coupons at Michaels. It may take you awhile longer to get all of your supplies, but you will surely save a few bucks which in my book is so worth it. 

Now go forth and prosper craft!  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock 'N Roll

To anyone who knows me very well, this statement is going to bring big bouts of laughter....

Sometimes I think it would be fun to buy an old farmhouse on an acre or two of land.

Say what, say what, say whaaaaat?! 

Okay, for those who don't know me like my family and friends do, this statement is kind of crazy. In fact, I am guessing my parents are going to call me if they read this and make sure I didn't bump my head. Here's the thing. I grew up in a town outside of L.A....yep, as in the super big city in Southern California. We moved to Oregon when I was 9 years old. I was angry with my parents. I LOVED living in California. Sunshine is my addiction. I had my best friends. I didn't want to move to this stinky old state with endless rainfall. And snow?! Don't even get me started on snow. Well, not only did my parents have the evil desire to ruin my life by moving me to this state full of green grass and trees, but they made me move to the COUNTRY. As in, horses, pigs, tractors driving down the roads. Yeah, that kind. You better believe there was some major lower lip poutage (new word, I just made it up) going on. In fact, I threw a fit almost daily all the way until I was in college. I actually planned on going to school in California, but things just didn't work out. 

Silly me. Now I actually see the beauty in this state. I enjoy having four seasons. Don't get me wrong, I miss California and no matter what you tell me, I think it is the greatest state, but I fit in here. My hair turned brown when we moved here and I think it was a sign that I was here to stay. 

Okay, I went on just a bit of a rabbit trail there. I felt it was necessary for you to understand just how crazy the idea of me wanting an old farmhouse really is. BUT think of the possibilities. A house so full of character that just needs some loving. An old barn with wood just begging to be salvaged. A large field just begging for my baby girl to run through and make up adventures among the tall weeds. I would love to hear her laugh in the field while I am making dinner in our kitchen. Oh and animals? We would definitely have to have more animals. I definitely want chickens. Farm fresh eggs? YES PLEASE. Now, dream with me if you will....look at the possibilities...

We could use the salvaged wood from the old barn to create a headboard and a bedroom door like this...

I have already tried convincing Josh of doing this one and when I found this photo I thought for sure he would be on board...maybe the next house (no we aren't moving yet...but we definitely are not in our forever home right now either).

If you haven't yet understood my love for Sarah Richardson, maybe you will understand now. She turned this old farmhouse into a place where I could stay forever. So beautiful and serene...

Oh and the kitchen of my dreams? You want to see it? Why, of course you do!

Don't worry, I am not waiting until I have a farmhouse to actually have this kitchen. We have something similar in mind for our current kitchen. Unfortunately you will not be seeing after pics for awhile...the kitchen reno will most likely be in 2012. Sorry for the disappointment. 

I want me an old farmhouse. NOW. Actually, I will settle for the dream...because in reality I love being so near to stores and houses and people. I love the sound of cars driving by, sirens in the distance, and children makes me feel a bit like I am back in the big city. It never hurts to dream though right? 

What's your absolute dream house? Would it be located in the big city, a small town, or maybe you would really love to live amongst tractors and horses. 


After receiving quite a few questions regarding my camera and photography in general I thought I would just do a post about it. I don't know why you would want to know because let's face it...I am totally amateur, but hey I don't mind answering questions to the best of my ability! So here is the deal...

Either comment here or send me an email at thecrainsnest [at] gmail [dot] com. Give me your questions...any and all of them...I am totally game. I am hoping to do a post sometime next week so get going folks. 

Oh and by the are all the greatest...thanks for sending me so much love! Hope March is off to a good start for you.