Saturday, October 9, 2010

0 Months

I cannot believe our teeny tiny baby is almost 1 month old! I do not like that time moves that fast...although thinking back to the hospital stay it feels like its been forever. Josh and I are taking a photo of Eden every month for the first 12 months of her life. I think it will be so fun to watch how she grows. This one was taken at 1 week old. Already she looks so much different at 3 weeks old. I also want to document what she has been up to in that month.

  • You love to squeak and squeal, especially when you are sleepy. 
  • You LOVE bath time.
  • You would sleep through the night if we could let you (we just got the okay to only wake her up once during the night, hooray!)
  • You can sleep through ANYTHING (your sister barking, the vacuum, doors slamming...etc.)
  • We call you the man child because, well, you sound like a man when you do "number two"
  • You love your doggie sister and she loves you (as documented by MANY pictures of her kissing you)
  • You don't cry much, just when mommy takes too long to feed you
  • You have the cutest cry in the whole entire world and sometimes we want you to cry so we can hear it
  • We shout out "POWER FIST" because you like to pump your fist into the air all the time
  • Your nickname is "Frogger" because you bend your legs like a frog
  • You are already a daddy's girl
  • You have slept in your crib since day one and you seem to love it
  • We started you on binkies, and sometimes you love it and sometimes you throw it at mommy
Okay I could go on forever...this girl is full of entertainment. We cannot believe how strong of a personality she has at such a young age. We have even taken her on her first car trip all the way to Washington and she slept the whole way there and the whole way back. We keep waiting for her to become some terror child that everyone said she would be, but so far she has been a great baby. 

2 Week Stats
Weight: 5 lbs. 13 oz (FINALLY back to birth weight) --5th percentile
Length: 19 1/4" --15th percentile
Head Circumference: 34 centimeters --10th percentile

Basically you are a small fry.

Here are a few pictures documenting what we have done over the last few weeks (for the first two I was on bed rest).

 Sleeping in her bouncer

 "Mom, stop taking my picture!"

 First bath

Well, that's all I can do for now, I have to go get the little one. I still don't know how moms have time to blog. I am so busy feeding and changing diapers and then rushing to try to eat and hit the potty that I really never can get to the computer. Thankfully I found a spare moment. I promise I am still planning to write about her birth story...which honestly was not bad at all so sorry that I scared some of you :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh..she is the sweetest lil thang!! And so tiny!! Makes me a lil sad my babies grew out of the baby stage so fast! Glad she is doing so well! Especially with her sister! :)
