Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yarn Wreath Revealed

Confession. I started this wreath shortly after Eden was born. I actually got the wreath part done fairly quickly, but the flowers...well, I took a bit longer to get those done. I don't know why, but the flowers made me quite nervous. What is funny is the fact that the flowers were SO SIMPLE. I am so glad I finished this up just in time for Spring! 

My wreath likes to flaunt all her curves. Check out this close-up shot of her. Oooh yummy. 

I forgot just how much I L.O.V.E crafting. I already have some plans to work on some more fun projects that may or may not include the flowers I finally got the courage to create. 

I am not going to do a tutorial on making this wreath since there are some great tutorials out there, check here. I will say, I am definitely glad I bought one of those wreath forms that look like hay instead of the styrofoam ones. It seemed to work really well. I kept the plastic wrap on which made it super simple. I also found that holding the wreath still and just wrapping the yarn around it made for the easiest process. 

As for the flowers, again I'll leave it up to the other fabulous bloggers out there that made some easy to use tutorials. You can find the rosettes tutorial here and the giant flowers here. Oh and because I have commitment issues (this is why Josh proposed two months after we began dating..) I hot glued paper clips to the back of the flowers so that I could move them wherever and change them up if I so desire. Why paperclips? Because I am lazy and that is what was right next to me on my desk. 

If you need a craft to keep your hands busy, or need a gift for a friend or family member, make one of these! I am quite addicted and I am pretty sure I need to make a million. Don't be surprised if you get one from me because we definitely don't have room in the house to keep all of the ones I want to make.

Oh and if you want to save money here's what you do..collect your supplies by using those handy 40% off coupons at Michaels. It may take you awhile longer to get all of your supplies, but you will surely save a few bucks which in my book is so worth it. 

Now go forth and prosper craft!  

1 comment:

  1. this makes me excited to start mine! good job mal - very cute!
