Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pre-Birthday Fun

Since I am STILL waiting on photos of Eden on her birthday (this is a not so subtle hint to those of you that were snapping away!) I figured I would share how you celebrated as a family before the big party.

Eden's actual birthday fell on a Saturday which meant it was also the day of her party. We knew with her turning one that we would need some time to just snuggle and love on her as well as reflect on the past year as parents. Well, I think I needed this more than Josh, but that's alright, he was along for the ride. In order to ensure that we could get a little bit of family time beforehand we decided to celebrate Friday morning, the day before her birthday. When she woke up that morning we brought her out to a big giant stack of sprinkle pancakes that we made using our typical whole wheat recipe (we like this one and this one). She devoured them! Josh and I may have had our fair share as well...

My sister also came over to spend some time with her so I could get some last minute errands done for the party. I couldn't resist snapping a few photos of the two of them before I left.

This is a present that she received at her birthday from her grandpa and Lola (my parents). I am telling you all now, this is the BEST PRESENT EVER. Seriously. If you have a baby or young toddler or know anyone that does, get them this trike. She cries when we take her out of it, but we figure that's a good thing. We no longer are allowed to use the stroller for our evening walks because she adores this thing. It's quite fantastic and it is a 3-in-1 (you know us and our need for multi-use items) so it can be used from 10 months through the end of her toddler days. Speaking of presents...this girl made a killing at her party. Seriously. Every gift is very well loved already. Oh and the clothes? Super cute. I seriously love children's clothing.

One of these days you will actually get to see her party...hopefully...

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