Monday, May 7, 2012

Green And Blue Baby Love Invite

I had my first PAID job for an invitation. I wasn't planning on doing them as a side job, but I was entrusted to make some and I was SO beyond thrilled and honored.

For the design I knew a few things...the mommy-to-be loves green and blue too. She seemed to lean towards using animals in the nursery. And, they didn't know what they were having. This right here was enough for me to be totally inspired to do something simple, modern, and full of the mommy-to-be's favorite colors. 

I seriously had way too much fun designing these. I was a nervous wreck going into this knowing that someone was going to hand me money for something I did, but I'm glad I stuck it out and made it happen. I find designing invites to be rather addicting. Each design job has been so challenging and each time I want to run for the hills in fear that I won't do it right, but in the end I always end up feeling so excited. 

Now to learn the art of photo styling. I can take a photo of my child no problem, but objects? Fugghedaboutit. Pinterest here I come!

P.S. Sorry dear neighbor for plastering your name all over as an example. You still love me right? Even though you moved away to another city and I still can't accept that you are not longer my neighbor. Sad face.

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