Friday, May 4, 2012

Project 52:18 | Relationships

My sister moved away again. To Eden it's Aunt B. Eden loves her some Aunt B. Oh my. We always list off all of her families names to her and she repeats each one, but there is always special emphasis on "Beeeeeeeeee!" I think she likes her because she is the Aunt that sneaks her candy and gives her purses and wallets full of money is close by and adores her and makes her laugh and takes her on crazy adventures. Thankfully her Auntie is only 4 hours away now so it's still driving distance. 

Today she asked about her and we had to talk about how she has moved away. I know she doesn't really get it and yet she totally acted as if she knew. She knows that when someone lives far away it doesn't mean that they don't love her. She loves all of her cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and so forth, all the same. This girl LOVES her family. I love watching her with the people she loves. She has a different way of interacting which each person. She knows which grandparent loves to tickle her, which one loves her hugs, which one sneaks her candy when her parents aren't looking. She treasures each one of them for their own specific reasons. I love the way she thinks. 

Watching Eden has so challenged me to treasure the family and friends that I have. Each one of them is so unique. In fact, it wasn't too long ago that I was chatting away about how different each of my friends are. I never had one specific group of friends, I always had many. Each group of friends meant something different to me and yet, I loved them all the same. I have the friends that make me laugh until I cry. The friends I share my deepest secrets with. The friends that I went on adventures with. The friends that challenged me in my faith. The friends that constantly stood behind me as I made so many poor choices over the years and loved me just the same. I love my friends. I love my family. They are so very unique and yet so perfectly perfect. I know that no matter where we all go, we will always come back to each other. I love that. 

To my sister...we loved having you around and will miss you so much, but are so glad you are excited for your next adventure! 

Why, yes I do make my sister do an impromptu photo shoot before she is allowed to leave the house. So a fair warning to you all, you may be subject to my inner photographer and you may just have to play model if you come over. There, warning has been given. 

For more Project 52 goodness, check out these fine blogs:

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