Monday, March 18, 2013

38 Weeks | The Final Update

The very last pregnancy update is here. I am right at 38 1/2 weeks pregnant right now....I will be 39 on Thursday. The day of the scheduled c-section. I never thought I would make it to that date, and am still wondering if I will. Baby boy, you are trying hard to come out early. Ordinarily I would be just fine and dandy with that, but my doctor is out of town and we kind of sort of will have a brush with fame if he waits until Thursday. I'll give you more details on our major "famousness" (yeah I made that up) if it actually happens. Here is the thing. Last pregnancy my water broke. I never once had a contraction of my own. Had no idea what they even felt like. The doctor on call (because once again I didn't have my actual doctor) insisted we start Pitocin to reduce the likelihood of infection. I finally agreed. Pitocin contractions are the only  contractions I ever knew and I thought I would never know what "real" ones felt like since this time our baby would be born through a c-section. No need for contractions there. Ha. Ha. and HA. I have had contractions for the past month, and very strong ones I might add. Fast forward to two days ago and if I even moved I would have one. Yesterday, I put myself on bed rest knowing my doctor was out of town. I refused to time contractions until later in the night... they were 2-4 minutes apart, all lasting for a minute or so each. No one thought I would make it through the night, but thankfully, I did. The contractions kept coming all night and were pretty intense in the morning, but somehow they just died down the rest of the day. Not that they are non-existent, but I'm less worried about him coming at the moment. Honestly, if it weren't for my horribly awful experience last time that lead me to my new doctor, I would be up and walking around trying to get labor started. Sadly, due to that awful experience, I am a bit on the worried side when it comes to having a different doctor. I think it is valid. I totally know God has this in His hands so if Israel comes early I will be more than excited. I keep picturing what his little face will look like.

Oh and in ever dramatic Mallory fashion, I may have taken a trip to the hospital once already. At 37 weeks. I peed my pants. Don't ask.

I have loved being pregnant with friends. I don't want to forget that my friend Sarah and I have our c-section scheduled for the same morning. Yes, we live in two different states, but it has been fun to have that to look forward to together. Now we are both excited to see which baby comes first! I also have a friend who is being induced the day after my surgery, by the same doctor, which means we will be hospital buddies! I am so determined to have a better experience this time that I truly believe I am going to be able to get up and move around and go meet her baby girl. And, probably the most special thing I want to remember is that Israel shares the same due date as his little "cousin," Hayley. Ruby and I were both due on March 28th. Ironically, I'll be having him a week early and she had Hayley almost a week late. They won't share birthdays, but just having shared that date seems pretty special to me. 

I just cannot believe the time is here. All the planning, worrying, all comes down to one day. Soon enough I know I will look back and wonder what life was like without our little boy even though right now I can't figure out what life will be like with him. More chaotic for sure, and yet, so much more wonderful. That I am sure of. 

Just for fun, I also want to make sure to remember some guesses we have about our little man. Eden guessed that he will have pink eyes. Let's hope she is wrong on that one. For some reason I have always pictured him as having dark hair and dark eyes. I don't know if that is because in my family I was the blondie when EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON in my family has black hair or what. It is just what I picture. I also think of him as having more of my brother's personality. Laid back, but still great at bugging his sister. He may end up being more of a class clown like Josh, so we will see. Eden uses up so much energy that I am not sure if we can have two highly energetic kids around. Thankfully Bella sleeps for all of us. As for size, Josh and I both feel pretty confident he will be in the upper 6 pound range. Maybe 6 lbs 10 ounces? We will see soon enough! time I blog about the baby it should be a picture of him!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you today. I hope everything goes well, and I can't wait to see some pictures of your sweet little boy!
