Friday, May 13, 2011

Baby Mama

I filled my hard drive. Full. Red line. Done-zo. I know the solution is to start purging files and anything else that is taking up space (try 5 million photos of Eden), but I am having a hard time doing it. I have been chipping away at the mass amount of photos almost daily, but IT.IS.HARD. I already had to come to the conclusion that I absolutely cannot delete any of the photos of her first month, even if they are blurry or duplicates...simply because I really didn't get many newborn photos of Eden. I have had a hard time getting over the fact that I was bed ridden for her first two weeks and thus didn't get to spend the quality time bonding with her like I had dreamed that I would, so deleting the photos just feels like a knife in a still healing hurts too much. Anyway, all this to say that it takes me a week to delete enough photos to upload the mass amount of photos I have taken recently on my camera that are just sitting there and waiting. Last night I finally cleaned out enough photos so I could have everything I took on mothers day on the computer. Now, I am finally here to share what my first mother's day (with baby in my arms and not in my belly) was like, and more importantly I can share about Eden's dedication.

Sunday morning we woke up super early knowing we had a big day ahead of us (yes we were still late even though we both woke up earlier than we usually do for church). Josh finished cleaning the house for the lunch we were hosting at our house for our family and I got the little chickadee up for her big day. Our church does all of the baby dedications on mother's day which we feel is so special and just love that tradition. For those of you that are not familiar with baby dedications, let me give a brief explanation. Basically it is a time that parents commit to raising their child up in the church so that one day (we pray) our children will choose to accept Christ into their hearts as their Savior. Now that we have dedicated Eden we have just proclaimed to the church that we do desire to lead godly lives as examples to our daughter and one day, when she is ready, we will help her to become a follower of Jesus as well. 

This is what happens when Eden is near me during is rather distracting :)

It was a really neat time getting to stand up in front of the church, with our family in the audience, and our church family looking on. We had a good amount of seating taken up by family members (and adopted  family members). Grandpa and Lola Phillips (Mal's parents), Brett and Stephanie (Mal's brother and sister-in-law), Great Grandma Phillips (Mal's grandma), and Daniel and Ruby (our adopted family/best friends) were all there to witness Eden's big day (for all of our family that were unable to be there, we missed you!!). Eden...who loves being the center of attention already...definitely made her presence known. She let out a few squeals, laughs, and shouts and absolutely could not get her eyes off of our Pastor. She was very into what he was saying. We always laughed when I was pregnant with her because every single Sunday, without fail, she would wake up and start kicking me just as Pastor Tim went up to preach. What a good girl :)

After service we all headed back to our house and celebrated mother's day with a big spread of sandwiches, potato salad, veggies & hummus, and chips. For the sandwiches we used bread from Great Harvest (yum!) and had a bunch of toppings so everyone could choose what they wanted. I really wish I would have taken a second to take a photo of the whole shebang, but unfortunately I just did not even have a moment to spare. 

Once our bellies were full and satisfied we did presents. Eden of course got to go first and can I just say this girl is SPOILED. She got so many presents. Mostly thanks to my parents who apparently bought out all of Target. This girl loves to pull the paper out of bags and look at her presents. We also exchanged a few mother's day gifts as well. I'll have to show you the gift Josh and Eden gave me in another post. 

Overall it was the most fantastic day. Josh took care of diapers (besides the one #2 diaper I got stuck with...of course) and did most of the cleaning and I didn't even have to actually cook that day. I really liked having the opportunity to sit back and relax a few moments in the day. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their mother's day whether you are a mom, want to be a mom, or have a mom, or think moms are da bomb dot com. 

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