Sunday, January 23, 2011

4 Months

Here we are at four months old. The last month quite literally FLEW by. I had a few breakdowns with this month, not because of her getting older, but because I didn't have many photos from her third month since I was back at work full-time. By the time I got home I couldn't take pictures because I refuse to use flash and have low quality pictures. Ironically enough the picture above is rather low quality because the clouds chose to roll right in while I was in the middle of the photoshoot. Lame. Oh well, I have moved on and am trying to make up for the lack of three month photos by obsessively taking fourth month photos. This girl really knows how to model. 

4 Month Stats
Length: 23.75 inches ~ 30th percentile
Weight: 11 lbs. 10 oz ~ 10th percentile
Head: 40.2 cm. ~ 25th percentile

(Apparently I was a bit off on her length last month...guess we have a petite girl on her hands)

Eden, here is what you have been up to lately:

You  are such a always want to be sitting up and looking around
You are able to pick up items and bring them to your mouth
You learned to roll over from your back to your tummy
You have stopped being swaddled because you kept getting stuck in your crib
You have decided that nap times are for babies (reminder: you are a baby!!)
You have been loving watching the other babies in the church nursery
You still absolutely love to smile and laugh at just about anyone who will look at you
You like to "play shy" with mommy
You have learned to LOVE playing with your toys and dolls

Eden is growing and changing at such a constant rate. We have been loving every minute of watching her grow up. Her personality is really starting to shine even more and it is fun to be able to watch her take on our traits (all the good ones of course, ha!). We love that she is such a social baby...which is probably good since her mommy would rather hide in the house. It seems like it is only a few days away that she will be eating her first bites of food, sitting up completely on her own, crawling, and taking her first steps. Oh and I may be a bit obsessive and probably shouldn't admit to this, but I have already started planning her first birthday. I am not ready for her to grow up, but planning parties is just in my blood. I get a rush. It's a sickness and I love it. There, it is out there for the entire world to see. 

Eden Rae, you are the best. Thanks for always modeling for mommy as she becomes a bit camera crazy on a daily basis. Daddy thanks you for being his constant play toy. 

Here are a few photos from the past month...

Being a silly girl at grandma and grandpa Crain's 

 Governor for the day

Mommy's last week at work

1 comment:

  1. The toothless grin melts my heart :) I don't think I've seen one of her smiling before!
