Thursday, March 1, 2012

17 Months

Oh, are such a big girl now. Look at you and your sassy pants self. You are miss independent one minute and miss snuggle pants the next. You also have a lot of nicknames. We are kind of obsessed with you and can't believe you are almost 1 1/2! We still feel like you have been in our lives doesn't seem possible that there was a time without you. We love you and your kissy lips and all the other wonderful things God gave you.

Things You Love

Talking (you are Miss Chatterbox these days)
Sorting everything
Cleaning up your toys
Reading books
Playing with Bella
The ocean
Repeating all of the names of your family members
"Boris" (best. book. ever)
Tangled (we watch a part of it
Super Why
Giving bear hugs
Saying 'hi' to EVERYONE
The "pad" (iPad) and mommy's phone
Screaming and singing (sounds the same to me)

Things You Don't Love

Swimming (you got better this month)
Being carried when you'd rather walk

Eating still poses such a huge challenge for us right now. We so wish Eden had our love for food, but alas she does not. The girl does love crackers and moothies (smoothies) though. It's such a hard age because she is still very much in need of gaining weight, but is not at the age where you can force her to eat. I guess we will just keep hoping that she will grow out of it soon! The girl is also showing signs of being ready to potty train. I am in no rush and just letting her tell us when she is ready, but she is already telling us when she is about to go so I think it's time for a potty chair. She is such a chatterbox these days. She will talk your ear off and some of the words actually are from the English language now. She also puts herself into timeout which is pretty great. Since we are dealing with a very independent toddler Josh said we needed to be more consistent with her, so we put our discipline routine into practice and it seems to be helping. It's not easy and she definitely crawls away every once in awhile, but we are getting there. 

Now for some photos from our trip to the Washington coast! By the way...did you know that the coast in Washington is actually a state highway?! It's bananas. Literally there is a speed limit and police and everything. Seems highly unsafe to me, but was extremely intriguing all at the same time. 

This happens when you try to get her to leave the beach...not so sweet and innocent.
An attempt of a photo with grandpa, grammie, and the grandkids. This is the only one that it's not super obvious that Eden is trying to wriggle free.

See?  The girl cannot be contained!

Okay this girl is a daddy's girl for sure. Don't get me wrong, she loves me just the same, but there is just a special bond between those two. Every morning Eden gets a look on her face and says, "dada!" and then runs to our room, shoves the door open, yells "dada! dada!" and then runs to the bed to wake him up so she can sit with him. Cutest thing. Another cute moment? Whenever she hears the front door opening, she drops everything, and starts running to the door yelling, "dada!" all the way until Josh is in the house and holding her. Then she gives lots of kisses and hugs. Seriously melts my heat every time. I am so thankful that Eden has a special bond with her daddy that I'll gladly take backseat. I love those two so much. 

Alright, off to get this weeks Project 52 ready to post! 

We love you Eden and every day we can't believe you are ours and we get to love you forever. 

*For those of you family members that ask that I post her sizes, Eden is currently wearing 18-24 month clothes and depending on the brand, she is about in a size 4 shoe. Slowest growing feet I've seen, but makes it much simpler to not have to buy shoes...ever.

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