Thursday, March 15, 2012

Impatiently Waiting For Spring And Other Rantings

I have been so absent from the blog lately! Good thing for Project 52 or you may never see me. I really do want to post, I just think life has been so overwhemingly crazy lately that something had to go and sadly it was blogging. I really hate it when that is what is cut because it is my outlet and I love it and I love hearing from all of you. So I am so sorry for the absence. I have lots of posts in my head, but I think I am having trouble with motivation lately. It just seems like all I am doing is cleaning up the house and getting ready to pack everything away so I am just so uninspired. I know I SHOULD tell all of you my tips and tricks to moving with as little stuff as possible, but alas I get about 20 minutes to do much of anything per day and then it's back to chasing Eden around the house. Keeping a house clean for showings is no easy task! Oh and I should say that our house isn't listed yet, but I am just trying to get it decent so that it won't take me FOREVER and a day to clean it every time someone calls. So not looking forward to that.

Anyway since I am so lame and the weather seems to continually be even lamer I figured I would just you a few links to check out that I think I worth your time. Seriously I do!

I made Homemade Hamburger Helper last night and my oh my please just do yourself a favor and try it. It is easy and quick and we loved it. Tastes just like the boxed version, but without all the icky junk that resides in those boxes (did you know there is trans fat, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and a whole slew of other yuckies living in those boxes? Now you do.)

Oh a hint for all of you lovelies. Have you ever tried cooking up a big batch of ground beef and then freezing it? Seriously it is the best ever. Doesn't take much time and makes future food prep SO easy. I usually just lightly season with pepper, salt, garlic powder, and oregano and then add taco seasoning when I pull it out of the freezer for tacos (that way it can be used for all sorts of recipes), but you could also take out some of the meat and then season the rest with your favorite taco seasonings and then voila! You have instant ground beef for any occassion. Same goes for chicken. Throw a chicken, or even the frozen bagged kind, some seasonings if you like, and then let it cook away. When done, shred it up, and throw into ziplocs. Freeze flat. Use meat within 3 months of freezing. This is what makes my life SO. MUCH. SIMPLER.

Another recipe! I like food, can you tell? I saw this recipe for Pesto pasta with chicken sausage and brussell sprouts on Pinterest and I just had to try it. It didn't disappoint. Not at all. Josh told me at least 7 times, "Wow. I love this. The sprouts are perfect. Make this one again!" WINNING! (lame Bachelor reference, I am sorry)

Also, some exciting news. The Crain household is celebrating nominations for Best of the Mid-Valley 2012 in a few areas (this is put on by our local newspaper). Here is why we are so excited...

Best Real Estate Agent - Joshua Crain
Best Real Estate Company - HomeStar Brokers (where Josh works!)
Best Interior Decorator - Mallory Crain (hahaha I laughed at this one..I think my hubs had something to do with this nomination)
And then Limeberry was nominated for: Best Dessert, Best Ice Cream, Best Place to Impress a First Date, Best Place to Use Coupons, Best Use of Social Media (I'll take credit for that since I update Facebook...ha!). 

Anyway, if you want to vote click here.

Lots of fun to be had around here. Well, I need to get to work on an invitation I'm designing (seriously you all make me blush asking me to design invites!) before the little wakes up. One of these days I will have something more exciting to post, I promise.


  1. congrats on the awesome news!

  2. Thank you Tracy! I just took a little side trip to your blog and OHMYGOODNESS your daughter has the cutest name! How exciting that you are getting ready to have a daughter! Girls are wonderful :) Xo, Mallory
