Monday, December 20, 2010

Oh So Stylish

My girl Jamie awarded me my first ever blog award and you want to know how I thanked her? That's right...I didn't. Well, not properly anyway. See, the thing with blog awards is that there are rules involved and although most people think I am quite the rule follower...well, um I have a news flash for you, I am a R.E.B.E.L. Growing up I was good at giving the "good girl" persona, but secretly I was a naughty bird. Wow, glad to have that off my chest.

Alright, back to the subject at hand. Jamie. Blog award. Okay, I am back to where I left off. Jamie is amazing and I love her and I pretty much always wished she would be my best friend. I met her beautiful face in 6th grade and guess what? We are still friends. She may be extremely creeped out by me, but I am comfortable with that. So, award time!

Here are the official rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this.
2. Share 8 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.

Alright, since I am in a rebel type of mood, I probably won't actually list 8 things about myself or remember how many bloggers I have recently discovered, but here is my best shot.
  • I am not stylish. I love to look at fashion magazines, but I fear fashion itself. Ironic that I received an award with the word stylish ain't it?
  • I am completely afraid of phones. Phobic. Sickened at the thought of answering it. Guess what I do the majority of my day at work? Answer phones. Yeah, it's a real problem.
  • I think. A lot. Too much really. I absolutely cannot do something without thinking. If you are talking to me, I am thinking about 500 other things. End of story.
  • I made spaghetti squash last night. Not at all what I was expecting, but Josh ate it all up and that's all I can ask for. That boy and his veggies...they just hate each other.
  • I could listen to Christmas music 24/7/365. I heart it.
Alright, I cannot write anymore about myself. It exhausts me.

Now, if you are so are a few blogs that make me giggle, make me feel inspired, or just make me pause to think. Take a look at them, they are fantastic.


Okay, sorry, but that's all I have energy for. I still have some gift wrapping, dish washing, bottle sterilizing, and clean upping to do and it is 11:15 p.m. and I have to get up at 5 a.m. for work. All this to say, I need to get my batooty up off this couch and shake it shake it to get some work done. 

Goodnight moon. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lyndsey, even your comments are filled with bits of knowledge. I feel that my intelligence is greater just by knowing you. Thanks for that. Please don't judge my grammar...xo,Mal
