Friday, February 11, 2011

A Day In Our Life

As promised, I documented our lives all day yesterday. Honestly, it was a bit scary at first, but by the end of it I kind of started to like writing down everything we were doing and taking pictures of even the littlest of things. It is really pushing me to take photos of even the most mundane things we do each day. I honestly don't want to forget a minute of life with Eden Rae. Also, I almost gave up on this a couple of times yesterday. Not because it was annoying or anything, just because yesterday was NOT a typical day at all. However, Josh convinced me to keep going and by the end of the day I realized that there really is no "typical" day with us. 

Alright here goes our day...

6:45 a.m. - My alarm goes off. Usually I get to wake up to Eden stirring in her room at 7:30, but this morning we have somewhere to be. I drag myself out of bed and head over to the couch to pump. I need a bottle for this morning's activities and since I hate to pump I don't have any milk stored up. After pumping I put everything in hot, soapy water.

My nursing spot...even has a rear end imprint...

7:15 - I grab my clothes and the baby monitor and head in for a shower.

7:30 - Pour myself a bowl of Shredded Wheat (gosh I love that stuff) with rice milk and a glass of o.j. (I have to sneak my calcium in by having lots of fortified drinks). Eden is still asleep (this is usually the time she gets up every morning) so I throw all of the pump supplies and her bottles into a pot of boiling water to sanitize. 

8:00 - Eden is STILL asleep so I head into the bathroom to get ready.

8:15 - Eden is stirring and I know that she is going to be HUNGRY. I pick her up, change her very wet diaper, and head into the living room to nurse her. I also use this time for bible reading and catching up on blog reading (iPhones are the best invention EVER for nursing moms). 

8:45 - Feeding time is done and I am getting nervous that we are not going to get out the door in time for our morning's activity. I grab Josh and he helps get her ready (of course with clothes that I had already picked out) and I rapidly finish getting everything ready to go out the door.

9:15 - Walk out the door and head to MOPS (mothers of preschoolers....or just young children in general). The meeting actually starts at 9:15 so I am running WAY late. Thankfully they are forgiving of mom's with babies and for that I am so thankful. I hate being late.

9:25 - Arrive at our church. I drop off Eden for the first time in the nursery (she goes on Sundays, but never for MOPS) and I head in to spend some much needed time with other moms. During this time Eden got to play in an exersaucer, took a nap, and ate half of her 6 oz. bottle. 

11:45 - MOPS is over and we head home. Both exhausted, but very happy. Seriously, doing social things now that I have a baby truly tires me out.

12:00 p.m. - I make lunch. We always eat a salad or a small turkey sandwich every day (we sneak in homemade soup every once in awhile as well). Today was a salad with some yummy deli turkey. I also nurse Eden, she never eats enough with the bottle so she always wants to eat more. She falls asleep so we let her rest a bit while we watch Lie to Me. 

1:30 - Eden is up, diaper changed, fed, and we are ready to head out on a walk. It is such a gorgeous, sunny day and we are not going to miss an opportunity to get outside. 

2:00 - Back from our walk. We jump in the car and head out to LIMEberry, a self-serve frozen yogurt shop owned by my parents. We are slightly addicted. And it's free for us. Basically it's bad news. 

Getting Grandma "Lola" kisses

I fully intended to take a picture of the yogurt...but I inhaled ate it before I could snap a photo...

2:45 - Arrive home. Josh goes back down to work in our basement. Eden fell asleep in the car so we put her carseat in her room to see if we can get her to stay asleep. I get work on getting the room set-up for a little Valentine's photoshoot I'd been planning for weeks...fingers crossed that the lighting is just right.

3:15 - Eden is awake and Josh comes back up from working so we can get this photo shoot done. The lighting is terrible in most of the house, but somehow we get just enough light to get this done. I also shot some photos of Eden's birth announcement (I'll show you soon!) and the valentine's cards that we made for her grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

3:30 - A little tummy is grumbling so Eden and I settle down on the couch for a quick feeding and I catch up on some blog reading. 

4:00 - It's tummy time! Well, technically we put Eden on her back and let her roll over to her tummy because she DOES NOT like tummy time at all. 

Bella wanted to enjoy her sister's crib while Eden was having tummy time

4:30 - Eden is still content so I get dinner ready. Since we had such a busy day I decide to pull out one of the taco soups that I had frozen about a week ago. Quick and easy is key now that I am a mom. 

5:00 - Dinner time! Eden usually sits up next to us or plays on her play mat while we eat. As much as we are striving to sit at the table for dinner, a lot of nights we just decide that the couch is where we want to be. We watch an episode two episodes of Prison Break. Eden also nurses during this time. 

Okay, wrong show, but you get the idea.

7:30 - Bath time. We all love this time of night. Eden thinks getting a bath is the greatest thing ever and it is just a fun bonding time for all of us.

8:00 - Eden and I sit down to nurse and Josh heads downstairs to do some Bible study and work. 

8:30 - Time for Eden to wind down by having some play time. She hangs out in her jumperoo, then her play mat, and finally does some tummy time on a blanket with her toys. During this time I get to blog and check my email to make sure Josh doesn't need me to do some work. 

9:15 - Time for a final diaper change. I put Eden in her sleep sack and we sit down for a book and prayer time. Josh usually joins us, but Thursday nights are very busy for him so he usually misses it. After we are done, we then sit down for a final nursing.

10:00 - Eden is asleep. I creep into her room, swaddle her, turn on her sleep sheep (she loves the ocean waves), and sneak out. Now it is time to get as much done as I can. It is my blog/clean/shop online/geteverythingdone time. 

11:15 - Lights out!

I have received a couple of questions from people lately so I will take a moment to answer those questions.

Q: How do you have so much time to blog? You must be bored if you have that much time.

A: Ha, if only. Actually I choose what is important to me. Blogging is my creative outlet and I NEED that for my own personal sanity. I enjoy blogging a ton. The thing is, I am usually blogging once Eden goes to bed, or most likely I am holding her (or carrying her in our Moby wrap) and typing with one hand. I have also learned how to move real quickly. I don't do things at my own leisure, I do things when I get 5 minutes. Also, even though Eden's naps are rare, she is really good at entertaining herself which is nice when I need to get a lot of work done for Josh.

Q: I thought Eden doesn't nap, why does it seem like she took so many this particular day? (Nobody actually asked that, but I thought I better explain). 

A: Honestly Eden really doesn't nap except for a few catnaps. We are trying a few different techniques though and they seem to be working. Really we are just trying to figure out a bit of a routine and trying to get her to fall asleep on her own. She happened to take a lot of naps because she falls asleep in her carseat a lot and because I vacuumed and she always falls asleep when I vacuum. 

I have to say that this experience was really fun. I encourage you to record a day, I think it's a great way to look back on a certain time in your life. Also, if you would like to look into more "day in the life's" check out this blog, she has been doing them for quite some time and it is where I got inspired to do this. I just find it fun to see what other mom's are up to. Hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about a day in your life and Eden is adorable! :).
