Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Day In Our Life...Working Mom Style

**Silly me...the post that went out yesterday was supposed to go out today. So, when I mentioned doing a day in the life "tomorrow" it doesn't mean today, it really means on Friday. Can a girl always be perfect? Oh you can? Well then, good for you.

So, I thought it would be fun to try to remember what life was like when I was a full-time working mom. It may not be fun for you, but that's alright...I am still going to post it anyway. Oh and this really is just what a "typical" day was like, so I don't have any pictures of the actual day. However, I will supplement with random photos instead. 

5:30 a.m. - Alarm goes off. I wish it wouldn't. I would rather wake up to my baby wanting to get up and not some annoying cell phone noise. Some mornings Eden would wake up when my alarm went off, other days I would have to wake her up right before leaving for work. We will pretend it was a day where I woke her up. I go jump into the shower, turning the monitor on JUST IN CASE Eden wakes up (Josh sleeps through her cries).

5:45 - Grab a bowl of shredded wheat (I have lived off the wheat and bran kind every day since having her), add in rice milk, pour myself a glass of o.j., and take my prenatal vitamin. I then plop myself in front of the t.v. and watch something on Netflix. 

6:00 - Time to get ready. I blow dry my hair, put on makeup, and throw on whatever clothes are work appropriate and actually fit this postnatal body. Most mornings I wish that my work would decide that sweats were in the dress code because NOTHING fits. 

7:00 - I am ready to go, but Eden is STILL sleeping. I dislike waking her up, and so does she. I get her up and change her diaper (she sleeps 9 hours so her diapers are always SOAKED). She is starving so we sit down for nursing time. 

7:30 - I set out Eden's clothes so Josh can change her when he gets home from dropping me off (I didn't lay them out once and the results weren't pretty). I grab all of my freshly washed pump supplies, get all of her bottles ready for the day, grab my lunch (Josh makes it for me everyday...I am spoiled), and run out the door.

8:00 - Time to start my work day.

10:00 - Break time! I run to the nursing mothers room and pump as quickly as I can. I usually try to shove down a snack while carefully balancing the pump...all you moms out there that pump know exactly what I mean.

12:00 p.m. - Lunch time! This is my favorite time of the day. Josh would either bring Eden to me and I would nurse her at work, or he would pick me up and take me home (we only live about 5 minutes away). Eden and I would have our quick snuggle time and then back to work I would go.

3:00 - Break time! Same as before, pump quickly, shove a snack down, and get back to work.

5:00 - The work day is done. Phew. Josh picks me up and we head home. I would always feed Eden immediately upon arrival at home. 

5:30 - Start dinner. I loved cooking, until I tried to work and have a baby at the same seemed like there were not enough minutes in the day to get dinner on the table. Thankfully my grandma saved the day by bringing us a lot of meals as well.

6:00 - Eat dinner and relax on the couch watching Bones on Netflix. We LOVE that show. 

6:45 - Eden is hungry again so I feed her. Evenings are her fussy time which only got worse once I went back to work. 

7:00 - Realize the house is disgusting and I need to clean. Feel guilty because I can't keep up on the house and then feel guiltier because I choose to wash the dishes instead of snuggle Eden. 

8:00 - Start the bedtime routine. We put Eden in her bath (which she loves!) and then get her in her p.j.'s. We then sit in our spots in her room (daddy in the rocker and mommy on the ottoman) and read her a book. Then we pray. Unfortunately, Eden is not one to go to bed early EVER so we then go back into the living room to snuggle on the couch and watch more Bones. 

9:00 - Eden's last feeding. We nurse off and on for the last hour as she gets more and more groggy. 

10:00 - Just like clockwork, Eden is asleep. I put her in her crib, swaddle her, kiss her and say "I love you, sweet dreams!" and walk right out of the room. Josh heads downstairs to do some work, and I run around the house like a madwoman cleaning every surface that I can, and getting the pump supplies clean for the next day. 

11:30 - I can't handle it anymore. I had great intentions of doing a blog post (seriously, every night I would want to, and then sleep usually overtook that idea). Off to dream land I go to start all over again the next day. 

That about sums up what my days were like while I was a full-time working mom. Honestly, that month was TOUGH. Each day had its challenges. I couldn't believe how many tears I shed during that time...I can go months and months without crying and yet while I was working and trying to take care of my three month old I just couldn't hold it together. So to all of you working moms out there...YOU AMAZE ME. 

*Did anyone notice that my child LOVES her fist. Seriously in two of her pictures she is staring intently at her fist. What a silly girl. 


There are THREE days left in the giveaway! Don't forget to enter. Go here if you want to read more about the giveaway, read the rules, etc. Also, I added on there that you can be a follower OR a subscriber. I know I am bad at following, but always subscribe via google reader so whatever works for you. The rules aren't really that strict...come on...I am the number one rule breaker remember? 

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