Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Paint On The Ground

Upon typing the title of this post I instantly had a flashback to the smash hit of "Pants on the Ground" from American Idol. I don't even watch the show (shame on me!), but I couldn't miss the overnight success of one American Idol contestant. Okay, maybe it was just me that thought of that song just from the title.

In thinking of yesterday's post I realized not all of you have hardwoods floors living under your carpet or maybe you love carpet, but your carpet  is looking a bit...umm...icky. Well, if that is the case then this post is for you! I didn't want to leave everyone else out after my wood floor post yesterday.

Alright, so for those of you that are sitting there thinking, "gee, I want to have easy to clean floors, but don't have the money to buy new flooring," this is for you.

Painted sub-floors.

Yes, you heard me right. Rip up that carpet like it's nobody's business and paint away. Seriously, if we didn't have continuous hardwoods floors throughout I would totally be doing this. I am kind of thinking our nasty bathroom linoleum or our dump basement might be getting a paint treatment soon.

Is that not the most fantastic idea ever? I have always dreamed of having white washed wood floors like the image above. My mind is already painting (pun not intended) pictures of white floors with white walls. I love a nice refreshing palate. I think a nice dose of white is just what every creative soul needs.

My favorite painted sub-floor has to be Ashley Ann's at  Under the Sycamore. She is full of awesomeness that blows my mind.

Oh the deliciousness of flooring. 


  1. Oh Mal, one day you will design/decorate my home with me, because you are good. I love these floors.

  2. That would be my idea of the PERFECT day. I can only hope for this time to come because you my friend are amazing!

  3. I totally thought of that song too as soon as I read that title! I love Ashley Ann and read her blog faithfully too! I wish I had her guts when it comes to self expression, and her kids are too cute!
